Theft Data: Displays the voltage data from the Passkey Sensor
to the BCM.
Lockout Timer: The duration of time the system remains in tamper
mode The VTD system will disable sampling of the key code for 3 minutes when a tamper
is detected.
Auto Learn Timer: The duration of time the system remains in
the re-learn wait mode.
Seed and Key Timer: The scan tool displays the time in seconds
used by the BCM to learn a valid code from the passlock sensor. The learn procedure
consists of 3 separate periods.
Passkey Data Voltage: Displays the voltage data from the Passkey
Sensor to the BCM. The BCM determines if the data received is valid or invalid.
Security Lamp State: Indicates the state of the SECURITY indicator
either On or Off.
His DTC Cyc. Counts.: Displays the number of key cycles that
have occurred in order to clear history DTCs.
PCM/VCM in VTD Fail Enable: The scan tool displays Yes/No. The
scan tool displays Yes when in fail enable. This indicates a failure has occurred
in the VTD system.
VTD Fuel Disable: The scan tool displays Active/Inactive. The
scan tool displays Active when the PCM has received a disable password from the BCM.
VTD Auto. Learn Timer: The scan tool displays Active/Inactive.
The scan tool displays the current state of the Auto. Learn Timer, which must time
out 3 times in order for the relearn procedure to be complete.
VTD Fuel Disable Until Ign. Off: The scan tool displays Yes/No.
The scan tool displays Yes when the PCM has received the fuel disable password from
the BCM. This indicates the PCM will not allow fuel delivery until the ignition is
switched off prior to another start attempt.