General Motors has determined that some 1984 Skyhawks, Regals, and Rivieras equipped with turbo-charged engines were assembled with fuel pumps that may have an early failure of the drive socket. This failure results in insufficient fuel pump pressure to keep the engine running.
To prevent this condition from occurring, dealers are to replace the fuel pump on vehicles involved. Suspect fuel pumps have Julian date codes of 332-3 or lower. (Refer to Figure 1.)
All 1984 Skyhawks equipped with 1.8L turbocharged engines (VIN Code J) with the following serial numbers:
EK400001 through and including EK425558
All 1984 Regals and Rivieras equipped with 3.8L turbocharged engines (VIN Code 9) with the following serial numbers:
Regals - EH400001 through and including EH482861 Rivieras - EE400001 through and including EE421595
Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your used vehicle inventory, or it is in your dealership for service in the future, you should take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before reselling or releasing the vehicle.
Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the dealer and arrangements made to make the required modification according to instructions contained in this bulletin.
If your dealership has vehicles involved in this campaign, you will receive the following items:
List of all vehicles involved in this campaign shipped to your dealership.
One campaign identification label for each vehicle.
Involved vehicles have been identified by Vehicle Identification Number Computer Listings. Computer listings contain the complete Vehicle Identification Number, owner name and address data, and are furnished to the involved dealers with the campaign bulletin. Owner name and address data furnished will enable dealers to follow up with owners involved in this campaign.
These listings may contain owner names and addresses obtained from State Motor Vehicle Registration records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of law in several states. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this listing to the follow-up necessary to complete this campaign.
Owners of vehicles involved in this campaign will be notified by Buick Motor Division (See copy of Owner Letter included with this bulletin.).
If a vehicle has been transferred or sold to another location, please forward vehicle information for this vehicle to your Buick Zone Office for handling with the proper dealer.
Dealers are to use the Dealer Communication system (D.C.S.) to provide Buick Motor Division with subsequent Buick owner information. By reporting a change of owner name or address of a vehicle in campaign status over the D.C.S., the need to send in an S-866 Form for that vehicle is eliminated. Terminal input instructions are covered in the D.C.S. Manual under Section 9, Page 9-J01A and B.
A fuel pump for each model involved is to be obtained from WDDGM as listed in the following chart:
To ensure this part will be obtained as soon as possible, it should be ordered from WDDGM on a C.I.O. order with no special instruction code, but order on an advise code (2).
1. Remove fuel tank assembly. Refer to page 6C-10 in the 1984 Chassis Service Manual.
Never drain or store gasoline in an open container, due to the possibility of explosion.
2. Remove fuel pump and tank gage sender assembly from the tank. Refer to page 6C-12 in the 1984 Chassis Service Manual.
3. Replace fuel pump as follows:
a. Note position of inlet filter on pump, then grasp filter and remove by rotating in one direction while pulling off. Refer to Figure 2.
b. Disconnect electrical terminals from pump by gently prying up with edge of screwdriver blade.
c. If unit has a pulsator, remove pump assembly by placing sender upside down on a bench. Grasp pump and pull downwards. Pull pump inlet out away from bracket.
Avoid bending the pump mounting bracket and the float arm when removing or installing pump.
d. If unit has a rubber hose coupling, cut off nylon hose clamps, and coupler using a razor blade or sharp knife. Proceed to Step 6.
e. Pull pump and pulsator assembly off fuel tube.
Use all the new parts included with fuel pump package.
f. Place rubber bumper and pulsator (or coupling) on new fuel pump. Position pulsator flat against bumper.
g. Place rubber isolator on pump inlet and install in same manner as removal; pulling downward on pump while fitting inlet into bracket.
h. Push pump upwards until rubber isolator and inlet are seated properly in bracket. Reposition foam rubber sleeve against rubber isolator, if necessary.
i. If unit has rubber hose coupling, lubricate the fuel tube and pump outlet with a small amount of vaseline petroleum jelly, then slide the new rubber coupler onto the fuel pump. Assemble in same manner as Step c above. Install new hose clamps on coupling.
j. Reconnect electrical terminals to the fuel pump. If terminals are loose on pump blades, remove and squeeze sides of terminals with pliers to obtain a tight fit.
k. Install filter in the same position on the new electrical pump as removed one was on the original pump. Push the filter straight on by applying pressure to the outer edge of the metal ferrule being careful not to damage the filter. When properly installed, the plastic protrusion can be felt projecting beyond the metal ferrule.
l. Inspect pump to assure that it is properly seated in bracket.
4. Using new O-ring, reinstall fuel pump and tank gauge sender assembly in tank.
5. Reinstall fuel tank assembly, being sure to properly attach the fuel feed, vapor and return hoses and electrical connector. Tighten all fuel line clamps to 1.5 N.M.. Torque the tank strap attaching bolts to 34 N.M. (25 lb. ft.).
6. Install a Campaign Identification Label.
Each vehicle modified in accordance with the instructions outlined herein will require a Campaign Identification Label. Each label provides a space to include the campaign number, the five (5) digit Dealer Code of the dealer performing the campaign service, and the date vehicle was campaigned. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or ballpoint pen. When installing label, clean the surface of the fan shroud and apply the campaign label.
Replaced pumps must be held for disposition by Buick contact personnel. Each replaced part must have a claim tag attached showing the repair order and the VIN of the vehicle from which it was removed.
Dealers are to submit each campaigned vehicle as a separate case on the one-line Warranty Document Form S-764. Dealers submitting warranty claims by teletype terminal are to transmit campaign completions as a separate case also.
List the one applicable labor operation.
SUBLET PART FAILED PARTS FAILURE LABOR LABOR OTHER DEALER OPER. COUNT PART NO. ALLOW CODE OP. NO. HOURS HOURS MTL.TWG ---- ----- -------- ----- ---- ------- ----- ----- ------- Replace fuel pump.
Regal or Riviera *** 1 * ** 96 V2070 1.0 .1 -
Skyhawk *** 1 * ** 96 V2071 1.3 .1 -
* List part number of replaced pump. ** List current dealer price of pump plus 30%. *** .1 hour for administration.
To assure accurate records of all transactions on this campaign, it is recomended that campaign repairs for each vehicle be listed on a separate repair order. Other repairs performed to the vehicle may be listed on the same repair order, and warranty cases other than campaigns may be listed on the same warranty document.
Zone authorization is not required.
General Motors has determined that some 1984 Skyhawks, Regals, and Rivieras equipped with turbocharged engines were assembled with fuel pumps which are susceptible to early failure. Such fuel pump failure can result in insufficient fuel pump pressure to run the engine.
To prevent this condition from occurring, your Buick Dealer will replace the fuel pump in your vehicle. This service will be completed at no charge.
Instructions for making this correction have been sent to your Buick Dealer. Please contact your dealer to arrange a service date. The labor time necessary to perform this replacement is approximately one hour. Please ask your Dealer if you wish to know how much additional time will be necessary to process your vehicle.
The enclosed owner reply card identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this card to your dealer will assist in making the necessary correction in the shortest possible time. If you have sold or traded your vehicle, please let us know by completing the postage-paid owner reply card and returning it to us.
We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your continued satisfaction with our products.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.