The heater and A/C programmer will direct the blended air in one of several air delivery modes. The side window outlets receive the airflow during all of the modes of the operation. The heater and A/C programmer directs air to the other outlets by energizing specific vacuum valves. This feeds the appropriate combination of mode valve actuators. The heater and A/C programmer determines the proper air delivery mode based upon the following factors:
• | Current program number |
• | Control panel setting |
• | Set temperature |
• | Low side temperature |
• | Coolant temperature |
• | Ambient air temperature |
• | Sun load |
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on the diagnostic table.
This test inspects the air inlet valve (door).
This test inspects the DOWN part of the UP-DOWN valve (door).
This test inspects the UP part of the UP-DOWN valve (door).
This test inspects the A/C side of the A/C-defrost valve (door).
This test inspects the defrost side of the A/C-defrost valve (door).
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
Does the recirculate solenoid operate? | -- | Go to Step 2 | Go to Step 3 | |
Using the Scan Tool , select AIR DOWN. Is most of the air flowing from the heater (floor) vents, with only a small bleed out of either the defrost vents or the A/C vents? | -- | Go to Step 7 | Go to Step 4 | |
3 |
Is the vacuum less than the specified value? | 10 in Hg | Go to Step 14 | Go to Step 13 |
4 | Attach a hand held vacuum pump to the YEL CKT. Does the vacuum pump hold vacuum? | -- | Go to Step 5 | Go to Step 6 |
5 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 16 | -- |
6 | Repair the leaking hose or the actuator. Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 16 | -- |
Using the Scan Tool , select A/C DEFROST. Is most of the air flowing from the the A/C vents or the defrost vents, with only a small bleed from the heater vents? | -- | Go to Step 8 | Go to Step 9 | |
8 | Is most of the air out of the defroster vents? | -- | Go to Step 10 | Go to Step 11 |
9 | Attach the hand held vacuum pump to the RED CKT. Does the pump hold vacuum? | -- | Go to Step 5 | Go to Step 6 |
Using the Scan Tool , select AIR UP. Is most of the air flowing from the A/C vents with only a small bleed out of the defroster vents? | -- | System OK | Go to Step 12 | |
11 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 16 | -- |
Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 16 | -- | |
13 | Attach the hand held vacuum pump to the ORN CKT. Does the pump hold vacuum? | -- | Go to Step 15 | Go to Step 6 |
14 | Repair the vacuum source. Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 16 | -- |
15 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 16 | -- |
16 |
Did you clear the DTCs and verify the operation? | -- | System OK | -- |