The vehicle speed is calculated by the IPC based on the discrete vehicle speed input (CKT 817 (DK GRN)) from the powertrain control module (PCM). This input is a filtered pulse width modulated signal, consisting of 4000 pulses per mile.
The vehicle speed offset from the actual vehicle speed may indicate a vehicle configured for non-American application. Refer to Diagnostic System Check - Instrument Cluster .
A flashing vehicle speed display at high speeds may indicate a vehicle configured for non-North American (Export) application.
The body control module (PZM) monitors the fuel level sender input in order to determine the current fuel level. The PZM filters the input and sends a message via the Class 2 serial data line. The IPC receives this message and displays the current fuel level. The fuel level is sent from the PZM to the IPC at changes of 0.5 L (0.02 gal) or on the request of the IPC, with a resolution of 0.04 L (0.01 gal).
• | For the digital IPC, when the fuel level is above 18.5 gal, the IPC displays an F. For readings between 18.5-2.5 gal, whole gallon/liter numbers are displayed. When the fuel level reaches 3.0 gal the message FUEL LEVEL LOW is displayed on the driver message center. When the fuel level reaches 2.5 gal, the IPC displays an E. When the fuel level is 1.2 gal or below the IPC displays a flashing E. |
• | For the analog IPC, when the fuel level is above 18.5 gal, the fuel gauge pointer is on F. When the fuel level is below 2.5 gal the fuel gauge pointer moves to E. When the fuel level is below 3.0 gal the IPC displays a FUEL LEVEL LOW message. |
If the updates are not received or a communication error is detected, the IPC performs the following actions:
• | For the digital IPC, the fuel gauge is dashed. |
• | For the analog IPC, the fuel gauge pointer moves to E. |
The PCM monitors the engine coolant temperature sender in order to determine the current engine operating temperature. The PCM filters the input and sends a message via the class 2 serial data line. For normal engine operation, the analog gauge indicates half scale throughout normal thermostatic cycling.
The engine RPM is obtained via CKT 121 (WHT) from the PCM. The IPC compares the engine RPM data with a calibration table in order to determine the needle position.