Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 | Did you perform the Cruise Control System Check? | -- | Go to Step 2 | |
2 |
Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 4 | Go to Step 3 |
3 | Repair the open in CKT 339 (PNK). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
4 | Connect a J 39200 DMM between terminal F and terminal E of the cruise control module connector. Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 6 | Go to Step 5 |
5 | Repair the open in CKT 451 (BLK/WHT). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
6 | Connect a J 39200 DMM between terminal E1 of connector C202 and ground. Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 8 | Go to Step 7 |
7 | Repair the open in CKT 1039 (PNK). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
8 |
Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 10 | Go to Step 9 |
9 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
10 | Connect a J 39200 DMM between terminal A of the cruise control module connector and ground. Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 12 | Go to Step 11 |
11 | Repair the short to ground or open in CKT 397 (GRY). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
12 |
Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 13 | Go to Step 9 |
13 |
Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 15 | Go to Step 14 |
14 | Repair the short to ground or open in CKT 84 (DK BLU). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
15 | Connect a J 39200 DMM between terminal G of the cruise control module connector and ground. Is the measured voltage above the specified value? | 0.5V | Go to Step 16 | Go to Step 17 |
16 | Repair CKT 20 (LT BLU) for the short to battery positive voltage (B+). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
17 |
Is the measured voltage less than 0.5 volts with the pedal pressed and in the specified range with the pedal released? | 10-15V | Go to Step 23 | Go to Step 18 |
18 |
Is the measured voltage in the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 20 | Go to Step 19 |
19 | Repair short to ground or open in CKT 1039 (PNK). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
20 |
Is the measured voltage within the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 22 | Go to Step 21 |
21 | Repair the open, short to ground, or short to battery positive voltage (B+) in CKT 420 (PPL). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
22 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
23 |
Does the voltage vary? | -- | Go to Step 25 | Go to Step 24 |
24 | Repair the open in CKT 817 (DK GRN/WHT). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
25 |
Is the measured voltage within the specified range? | 10-15V | Go to Step 28 | Go to Step 26 |
26 | Test CKT 83 (DK GRN) for an open or short to ground. Is the circuit OK? | -- | Go to Step 29 | Go to Step 27 |
27 | Repair open or short to ground in CKT 83 (DK GRN). Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
28 |
Is the measured voltage within the specified range with Cruise Inhibit off (NO), and less than 0.5 volts with Cruise Inhibit on (YES)? | 10-15V | Go to Step 30 | Go to Step 29 |
29 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
30 | Diagnose the powertrain control module (PCM). Refer to Powertrain On Board Diagnostic (OBD) System Check in Engine Controls - 4.0L, 4.6L. Is the repair complete? | -- | Go to Step 31 | -- |
31 |
Is the system check complete? | -- | System OK | -- |