8 Digit GM Part Number: Displays the part number for
the control module.
Battery Voltage: Displays 0 to 25.5 volts. The
battery voltage level at the module.
Calibration ID: Displays the calibration ID for the
control module.
Component Serial # 8-11: Digits 8 to 11
of the component serial number of the control module.
Component Serial #12: Digit 12 of the component
serial number of the control module.
Component Serial #13-1: Digits 13 to 16
of the component serial number of the control module.
Component Serial #17-1: Digits 17 to 18
of the component serial number of the control module.
Delay Acc. Bus Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the commanded state of the retained accessory power (RAP)
Door Jamb Switch: The scan tool displays On/Off. The
input of the passenger door open switch, where a closed switch (passenger
door open) is displayed as On.
Door Key Cyl. Unlock Sw.: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the state of the door lock cylinder switch.
Door Lock Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. Display
indicates the commanded state of the BCM door lock output.
Door Lock Switch: The scan tool displays Idle/Lock/Unlock.
Display indicates the state of the power door lock switch.
Driver Door Ajar Sw.: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the state of the driver door ajar switch.
Driver Door Jamb Sw.: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the state of driver door jamb switch, where a closed switch
is displayed as On.
Driver Unlock Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the commanded state of the BCM driver door unlock output.
D.R.L. Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. The commanded
state of the DRL relay.
Exterior Lamp Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
The commanded state of the exterior lamp control terminal.
Front Fog Lamp Relay: The scan tool displays On/Off.
The commanded state of the front fog lamp relay.
Fuel Door Rel. Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the commanded state of the BCM fuel door release output.
Fuel Level: The scan tool displays the fuel level in
High Beam Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. The
commanded state of the high beam control terminal.
Horn Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. Display
indicates the commanded state of the BCM horn output.
Ignition Counter: The BCM counts each time the ignition
is cycled up to 255 counts. If any BCM DTC is set, or battery voltage
is interrupted the ignition counter resets.
Ignition Switch: The scan tool displays Accessory, Off/Lock,
Off/Unlock., Run, Crank. Display indicates the state of the ignition switch.
Inadvert. Power Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
The commanded state of the inadvertent power control.
Interior Lamp Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
The commanded state of the interior lamp relay.
Julian Date of Build: The scan tool displays year and
day. The first digit indicates the last digit of the year that the control
module was built. The remaining 3 digits indicate the day of
the year that the control module was built.
Low Beam Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. The
commanded state of the low beams control.
Low Power Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. Display
indicates the commanded state of the low power output.
Park Lamp Relay Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the commanded state of the BCM park lamp relay output.
Park Relay Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. Display
indicates the commanded state of the BCM park relay output.
Passenger Door Ajar Sw: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the state of the passenger door ajar switch.
Passenger Unlock Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the commanded state of the BCM passenger door unlock output.
PROM ID: The scan tool displays the PROM ID for the
control module.
Real Time Clock Hours: The scan tool displays Hours.
Display indicates the time of day in hours. If the BCM detects a loss of
keep alive memory, the clock will reset to 12:00 AM.
Real Time Clock Minutes: The scan tool displays Minutes.
Display indicates the time of day in minutes. If the BCM detects a loss
of keep alive memory, the clock will reset to 12:00 AM.
Real Time Clock Seconds: The scan tool displays Seconds.
Display indicates the time of day in seconds. If the BCM detects a loss
of keep alive memory, the clock will reset to 12:00 AM.
Rear Fog Output: This parameter is not used. Rear fog
lights are not available on this car.
Rear Defog Output: The scan tool displays On/Off. When
the rear window defogger switch is depressed, the scan tool will momentarily
display On.
Reverse Relay Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the commanded state of the reverse relay.
Theft Deterrent: The scan tool displays Armed, Arm Delay,
Armed Initiate, Off, Ready. Display indicates the state of the theft deterrent
Trunk Ajar Switch: The scan tool displays On/Off. Display
indicates the state of the trunk ajar switch.
Trunk Release Output: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the commanded state of the BCM trunk release output.
Trunk Tamper Switch: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the state of the trunk tamper switch.
Valet Lockout Switch: The scan tool displays On/Off.
Display indicates the state of the valet lockout switch.
Year Module Built: Displays the year that the control
module was built.