When a cigar lighter is pressed in, the cigar lighter heating element is provided a ground path and heats up. When the heating element reaches a predetermined value, the cigar lighter will pop up, thus interrupting the circuit. The auxiliary power outlet is active when an electrical accessory is plugged into the outlet.
Battery positive voltage (B+) is supplied at all times through the CIGAR fuse in the rear fuse block to the switch feed circuit of the CIGAR relay in the rear fuse block. The rear integration module (RIM) controls the CIGAR relay by grounding the control circuit of the CIGAR relay. The RIM will activate the CIGAR relay when the ignition switch is in the ON position. The RIM will also keep the CIGAR relay active for 10 minutes in the Retained Accessory Power state.
When the CIGAR relay is active, battery positive voltage (B+) is supplied to the underhood fuse block C/LTR fuse and AUX PWR fuse. Battery positive voltage (B+) is supplied through the C/LTR fuse to the front and rear cigar lighters. Battery positive voltage (B+) is supplied through the AUX PWR fuse to the rear auxiliary outlet. The front and rear cigar lighters and rear auxiliary outlet receive ground from G200.