The cigar lighter receives voltage from the CIGAR LTR Fuse 12 at all times through CKT 640 (ORN). The cigar lighter operates when you push in the lighter. When you push in the lighter, the following actions occur:
• | The ground path in the cigar lighter circuit completes. |
• | Current flows through the cigar lighter heating element. |
When the cigar lighter reaches operating temperature, the following actions occur:
• | The cigar lighter heating element disengages from power. |
• | The cigar lighter partially ejects. |
The cigar lighter receives ground through CKT 1850 (BLK) to G203/G204.
The auxiliary power outlets receive voltage from the AUX PWR Fuse 13. The auxiliary power outlets are used for a variety of plug-in accessories. The auxiliary power outlets receive ground through CKT 1850 (BLK) to G203/G204 for the front and through CKT 1250 (BLK) to G420 for the rear.