Some owners of the above listed vehicles built prior to April 9, 1999 (Julian Date 099) may comment about a slip or no REVERSE condition. Initial slipping in REVERSE may not be evident until engine RPM is increased.
This condition may be caused by an oversized low/reverse clutch piston (653). If the piston is oversized, during apply, the piston mayl interfere with the low/reverse clutch housing (649) limiting the piston's travel. This reduced travel could lead to a slipping condition or loss of REVERSE.
To correct this condition, measure the outside diameter of the low/reverse piston using a caliper. The largest piston diameter should not exceed 135.79 mm (5.346 in) as shown in the above illustrationn. If the measurement exceeds the dimension shown, replace the piston.
Refer to the 3T40 Section of the Transmission Unit Repair Manual for the proper replacement procedure.
Part Number
Low/Reverse Piston
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation
Labor Time
Clutch, Low and Reverse - Replace
Use Puublished Labor Operation Time