Diagnosis will be much easier once you have identified a vibration as first-order of driveline rotation during the road test. Next identify the exact area of the vibration and take proper action.
In most cases, vibration may be reproduced in the stall. In the stall the vibration may be better or worse than that experienced during the road test.
The objective is to reduce the vibration to the lowest point possible in the stall, then evaluate the results during a road test. Many times, a vibration you were only able to reduce drastically in the stall will be completely eliminated on the road.
The cause of first-order drive line vibration is usually excessive runout or an imbalanced component.
The following procedure offers a systematic process of elimination in order to determine which component is at fault:
Do not fill the propeller shaft with foam, oil, or any other substance in order to correct a vibration. Filling the propeller shaft is only effective in reducing an unrelated condition called Torsional Rattle. Filling the propeller shaft should only be done in strict adherence to the procedure outlined in corporate bulletins that address Torsional Rattle. Failure to follow the correct procedure will induce a vibration and/or affect the structural integrity of the propeller shaft. The propeller shaft will then have to be replaced.
A propeller shaft or pinion (companion) flange with excessive runout causes first-order driveline vibrations. Use the following procedure in order to measure the runout of the propeller shaft:
• | Remove excess corrosion of the propeller shaft surface before inspecting the runout. |
• | Inspect for damage and dents. |
• | Replace dented propeller shafts. |
• | Remove any undercoating from the propeller shaft before proceeding. |
The splined end of a propeller shaft is critical to the smooth operation of a three-piece propeller shaft. When inspecting stub-shaft runout, ensure that the dial indicator readings are accurate.
• | J 8001 Dial Indicator Set |
• | J 7872 Magnetic Base Dial Indicator Set |
Important: When you replace a propeller shaft, inspect the new shaft for runout. Inspect the pinion flange runout if the replacement shaft runout is also out of tolerance.
• | J 8001 Dial Indicator Set |
• | J 23409 Dial Indicator Extension |
• | J 35819 Flange Runout Gauge |
Important: The dial indicator will have inverted readings. You are measuring the inside diameter of the flange; you are not measuring the outside diameter. The highest reading on the dial indicator is the low spot. The lowest reading is the high spot.
• | If a J 35819 is not available, measure the pinion runout as close as possible to the pinion flange. |
• | If necessary, add compensation weights on the face of the pinion flange dust slinger. These weights are tack-welded onto the slinger. You may remove the weights with a die-grinder. |
• | Carefully remove the spot weld at either end of the weight. |
• | Do not remove the weight unless you have inspected the pinion flange runout and the procedure calls for weight removal. |
• | Do not remove any weights on the outboard edge of the dust slinger. These weights are present in order to balance internal axle components. The weights are not related to the pinion flange runout. |
• | If a J 35819 is not available, inspect the propeller shaft runout as near as possible to the flange. Rotate the shaft 180 degrees in the pinion flange. Reinstall the shaft. Inspect the measurement at the same location. |
A large difference in the runout, greater than 0.38 mm (0.015 in), may indicate that the flange is out of tolerance. If the runout does not change at all, the flange is OK. |
Beginning in the early 1990's, the manufacturer began system balancing rear axles. During the build process, these axle assemblies were spun with a slave fixture. A balance weight was attached to the outboard edge of the companion flange dust slinger. A system-balanced rear axle companion flange differs from a non-balanced flange. You must diagnose and service this flange in a unique way.
Some pinion flange assemblies have a U-shaped deflector designed to hold a system balance weight on the outside diameter.
Other pinion flange assemblies have a runout compensation weight on the face of the deflector. The pinion flange assemblies that are system balanced do not use runout compensation weights.
Measuring the runout on a system-balanced companion flange is very straight-forward. A balanced flange that is good will have a measured runout between 0.00-0.38 mm (0.00-0.015 in). If a balanced flange has more than 0.38 mm (0.015 in) runout, replace the flange or reindex the flange 180 degrees on the pinion. If you replace or reindex a balanced flange, you must system balance the rear axle again.
Most first-order driveline vibrations originate at the pinion nose end of the driveshaft. Ensure that the vibrations are at a minimum at this location in order to achieve acceptable results. Reduce the runout of the components to a minimum. Balance the driveline as a system when necessary.
Remove and reinstall the pinion flange only once on axles utilizing a crush type sleeve. Replace the sleeve with a new sleeve if the sleeve is crushed. Removing the sleeve requires removal of the ring and pinion set. Replace flanges with excessive runout. Regardless of the method used, measure the pinion flange runout in order to ensure that the flange is within tolerance.
First-order driveline vibrations that originate at the transmission end of the propeller shaft are rare. If the tailshaft of the transmission is vibrating, inspect the tailshaft housing bushing for wear or damage. A leaky transmission tailshaft oil seal indicates bushing problems.
Feel for vibration at the crossmember underneath the transmission mount. If there is no vibration, the transmission mount is functioning properly by isolating the vibration from the structure of the vehicle. The transmission mount is therefore probably not the cause of the vibration.
Use the following procedure if you can feel vibration on the crossmember and the tailshaft bushing, and if the transmission output is normal:
First-order driveline vibrations that occur mainly at the center support bearing are usually the result of excessive runout at the stub (splined) shaft.
Unlike other first-order driveline vibrations, these vibrations can appear at unusually low speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph) and up.
Perform the following procedure in order to correct this type of vibration:
Correcting the stub shaft/spline runout will usually eliminate the vibration. If some residual vibration is still present, perform a road test on the vehicle. Determine if an on-vehicle system balance of the driveline is necessary.
The following procedure is designed to fine-tune the balance of the propeller shaft while it is mounted in the vehicle. This procedure will also correct residual imbalance of the remaining driveline components.
Prior to balancing the driveline system, verify that the propeller shaft and the pinion flange runout are within specification.
Do not overheat the engine when performing this procedure.
The following procedure uses a trial and error method of determining where to place the hose clamps on the shaft. Use the following tips in order to help locate the clamps:
The last method involves running the vehicle at a speed which the vibration is felt.
If you performed the above procedure correctly, the chalk mark will indicate the heavy spot on the shaft. The heavy spot will deflect downward and touch the chalk. If the chalk mark circles the entire shaft, touch the chalk more gently to the shaft. Ensure that the chalk touches only the heavy spot. Once the heavy spot is located, place the hose clamp 180 degrees opposite to the chalk mark. Perform the following steps:
• | If the vibration did not change at all or if the vibration becomes worse, then 1 clamp is either too light or too heavy. Repeat the procedure using the 2 clamps together. |
• | If the previous step did not correct the problem, repeat the procedure using the 2 clamps separated in order to reduce the spinning weight. |
Continue the trial and error procedure using different weights in different locations until you achieve the best balance. If more that 3 clamps aligned in the same position are required, replace the propeller shaft.
If you are able to reduce the vibration in the stall, but are unable to eliminate the vibration completely, perform a road test on the vehicle. A slight vibration noticeable in the stall may not be noticeable on the road.
In order to pinpoint the source, you must reproduce the vibration in the service stall. Determine which component is vibrating the most using the EVA. Perform the following steps:
Caution: Do not run the vehicle higher than 89 km/h (55 mph). Stay clear of the universal joints and the balance weight area in order to avoid personal injury. Do not run the vehicle on the hoist for extended periods of time. Running the vehicle on the hoist for extended periods of time may cause the engine or the transmission to overheat.
Determine which end of the propeller shaft is vibrating the most. Hold the EVA's sensor against the pinion nose and the transmission tailshaft assembly. The higher the amplitude reading, the greater the vibration.
• | Inspect the center support bearing. |
• | If the transmission tailshaft vibrates, inspect the transmission crossmember under the transmission mount. The vibration should not be present if the mount is functioning correctly. |
Ensure that the runout of the various driveline components are within specifications. If the runouts are within specifications, strobe balance the driveline. The EVA is able to simplify the balancing process, using the following procedure:
If the shaft will not balance using 2 weights, place a third weight on the light spot. Split the first 2 weights in order to produce a total weight between 2 and 3 weights.
If 3 weights fail to balance the driveline, replace the propeller shaft.
When the propeller shaft balances, road test the vehicle in order to verify that the vibration is eliminated.
When using clamps in order to balance a propeller shaft with the total weight method, the correction weight required will often be a fraction or a multiple of one hose clamp. Use the following phasing procedure with 2 hose clamps in order to accurately place any required amount 0-2 weights (0.0-2.0 total wieghts).
(1) | Balance Location |
(2) | Clamps Together |
The table containing the weight amounts in terms of the total weight and the included angle (spread) between the clamps is in specifications. Refer to Specifications.
If the following conditions are true, the internal rear axle components are the probable cause of the vibration:
• | If the vehicle has a vibration that is equal to first-order driveline rotation, and the vibration is not present when testing the vehicle in the stall |
• | If you were able to correct the vibration in the stall, but the vibration returned during the road test |
Internal rear axle vibrations may be aggravated by the load of the vehicle working against the ring and pinion gear seat.
Since the propeller shaft and the pinion gear are bolted together through the pinion flange, the propeller shaft and the pinion gear operate at the same speed. Vibration in the pinion gear will therefore have the same frequency and symptoms as the propeller shaft.
In order to isolate the vibration to the pinion gear, use the following procedure:
• | If the vibration was originally noticed at 88 km/h (55 mph), accelerate from 72 km/h (45 mph) to 107 km/h (65 mph). Then decelerate from 107 km/h (65 mph) back to 72 km/h (45 mph). |
• | Repeat the above step and remember whether or not the pinion nose vibrates under load during acceleration and/or deceleration. |
If the vibration does not occur during the above procedure, install the tire/wheel assemblies, adding additional load on the system. Then repeat the above test.
Ensure that both axle shafts rotate at the same speed. The differential may mask a vibration when one tire is spinning faster than the other tire.
If you are unable to reproduce the vibration in the stall, apply the brake lightly in order to load the system further. Maintain the vehicle speed at which the vibration was noticed. Do not overheat the brakes.
If the pinion nose vibrates under acceleration and/or deceleration, and the other driveline components are eliminated as the cause of the vibration, then one of the following conditions may cause the vibration:
• | A high spot on the pinion gear |
• | A bent pinion stem |
• | A cocked pinion bearing |
• | An improper axle housing bore |
Anything that effects the pinion gear and how the pinion gear contacts the rotating ring gear may contribute to a first-order, torque-sensitive driveline vibration. The only way to correct the condition is to replace the faulty components. In most cases, you must replace the ring and pinion gear set and the related bearings. In some cases, you must replace the axle housing. Complete a close-up visual inspection for damage or unusual wear in order to measure or identify the specific faulty component.
It is possible to isolate an internal axle vibration. Install a known good axle assembly from a stock unit. Verify that the known good axle assembly does not have a vibration problem.
Once you correct the internal axle problem, road test the vehicle. Inspect the vehicle for vibration. Balance the driveline, as necessary, in order to eliminate any remaining vibration.