| Action
| Value(s)
| Yes
| No
| Turn the ignition to RUN.
Does the ABS lamp illuminate for a few seconds and then go off?
| --
| Go to
Step 2
| Go to
Step 15
- Start the engine.
- Listen for an alarm.
Does the park brake alarm sound while the BRAKE lamp is on?
| --
| Go to
Step 14
| Go to
Step 3
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Open the end of the diode network housing.
- Carefully remove the diode network circuit board from its connector.
- Turn the ignition to RUN and inspect the BRAKE lamp.
Is the BRAKE lamp illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 4
| Go to
Step 7
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Remove the connector from the instrument cluster.
- Turn the ignition to RUN.
- Use a test lamp from B+ to check for ground at terminal 28
of the connector.
Is this terminal shorted to ground?
| --
| Go to
Step 6
| Go to
Step 5
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Replace the instrument cluster.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Examine the following areas for a short to ground or an electrical
• | Between the instrument cluster terminal 28 and splice S205. |
• | Between the diode network terminal E and splice S205. |
• | (US) Between splice S205 and the pull button relay or the park
brake switch. |
• | Test for a faulty park brake switch or pull button relay. |
• | Between S205 and the park brake alarm relay (auto apply). |
• | A faulty park brake alarm relay. |
• | Between the diode network terminal D and splice S205 (Canada). |
- Repair the fault found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe the diode network connector
terminal F with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp illuminate?
| --
| Go to
Step 11
| Go to
Step 8
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe the diode network connector terminal
A with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp illuminate?
| --
| Go to
Step 10
| Go to
Step 9
| Replace the diode network.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Locate the fault in circuit 1134 (LT BLU).
• | If the vehicle has DRL (Canada): |
- | A short to ground between the diode network terminal C
and splice S207. |
- | A short to ground between splice S207 and the ignition switch
terminal D of C2. |
- | A short to ground between splice S207 and the DRL module terminal A. |
- | A short to ground between splice S207 and the park brake switch. |
• | If the vehicle does not have DRL (US): |
- | A short to ground between the diode network terminal C
and the ignition switch terminal D of C2. |
- Repair the fault found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition LOCK.
- Replace the diode network into its connector and close the housing.
- Disconnect the connector from the brake pressure differential
- Turn the ignition to RUN
Is the BRAKE lamp illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 13
| Go to
Step 12
- Perform a brake system diagnostic to find the leak or other source
of the pressure differential.
- Repair and bleed the hydraulic system.
- Reset the pressure differential switch.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Find and repair the short to ground in circuit 680 (PPL)
between the diode network terminal F and the EBCM connector C1
terminal H, and the brake pressure differential switch terminal A.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Test for a short to ground in circuit 920 (ORN) between diode
D201 and the park brake alarm or the park brake alarm relay.
- Test for a faulty park brake alarm relay.
- Repair as required.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Inspect for ABS DTCs and repair as indicated.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Action
| Value(s)
| Yes
| No
| Turn the ignition to RUN.
Does the ABS lamp illuminate for a few seconds and then go off?
| --
| Go to
Step 2
| Go to
Step 16
- Start the engine.
- Listen for an alarm.
Does the power brake alarm sound while the BRAKE lamp is illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 15
| Go to
Step 3
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Open the end of the diode network housing.
- Carefully remove the diode network circuit board from its connector.
- Turn the ignition to RUN and inspect the BRAKE lamp.
Is the BRAKE lamp illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 4
| Go to
Step 7
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Remove the connector from the instrument cluster.
- Turn the ignition to RUN.
- Use a test lamp from B+ to test for ground at terminal 28
of the connector.
Is this terminal shorted to ground?
| --
| Go to
Step 6
| Go to
Step 5
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Replace the instrument cluster.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Examine the following areas for a short to ground or an electrical
• | Between the instrument cluster terminal 28 and splice S205. |
• | Between the diode network terminal H and splice S205. |
• | Between the diode network terminal G and splice S205. |
• | Between the diode network terminal F (if the vehicle has
daytime running lamps) and splice S205. |
• | Between splice S205 and the park brake switch. |
• | Test for a faulty park brake switch. |
- Repair the fault found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe the diode network connector
terminal A with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp illuminate?
| --
| Go to
Step 15
| Go to
Step 8
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe the diode network connector terminal B
with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp illuminate?
| --
| Go to
Step 12
| Go to
Step 9
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe the diode network connector terminal C
with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp illuminate?
| --
| Go to
Step 11
| Go to
Step 10
| Replace the diode network.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Locate the fault in circuit 1134 (LT BLU).
• | If the vehicle has DRL: |
- | A short to ground between the diode network terminal C
and splice S257. |
- | A short to ground between splice S257 and the ignition switch
terminal D of C2. |
- | A short to ground between splice S257 and the DRL module terminal
A. |
- | A short to ground between splice S257 and the park brake switch. |
• | If the vehicle does not have DRL: |
- | A short to ground between the diode network terminal C
and the ignition switch terminal D of C2. |
- Repair the fault found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition LOCK.
- Replace the diode network into the connector and close the housing.
- Disconnect the connector from the brake pressure differential
- Turn the ignition to RUN.
Is the BRAKE lamp illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 13
| Go to
Step 14
- Perform a brake system diagnostic to find the leak or other source
of the pressure differential.
- Repair and bleed the hydraulic system.
- Reset the pressure differential switch.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Find and repair the short to ground in circuit
680 between the diode network terminal B and connector C1 terminal H
of the EBCM, and the brake pressure differential switch terminal A.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Locate the fault in circuit 965.
• | If the vehicle is not equipped with an power brake alarm circuit,
check for a short to ground in circuit 965 (YEL/BLK) between the diode network
terminal A and connector C206 terminal A. |
• | If the vehicle is equipped with an alarm circuit, inspect the
following areas for a short to ground or a faulty component: |
- | Circuit 965 (YEL/BLK) between the diode network terminal A
and connector C206 terminal A. |
- | Circuit 1651 (BLK/WHT) between connector C206 terminal A
and the park brake booster fluid flow indicator/alarm delay module terminal E. |
- | Circuit 1651 (BLK/WHT) between the park brake booster fluid flow
indicator/alarm delay module terminal E and the power brake booster
fluid flow alarm terminal A. |
- | Circuit 966 (TAN) between the park brake booster fluid flow indicator/alarm
delay module terminal C and the power brake booster fluid flow indicator/alarm
switch terminal B. |
- | The park brake booster fluid flow indicator/alarm delay module. |
- Repair as needed.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Inspect for ABS DTCs and repair as indicated.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Action
| Value(s)
| Yes
| No
| Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position.
Does the ABS lamp light for a few seconds and then go off?
| --
| Go to
Step 2
| Go to
Step 20
- Start the engine.
- Listen for an alarm.
Do you hear an alarm sounding while the BRAKE lamp is illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 3
| Go to
Step 4
| Move the transmission range selector from Park to Neutral.
Does the alarm stop sounding?
| --
| Go to
Step 19
| Go to
Step 16
- Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.
- Open the end of the diode network housing.
- Carefully remove the diode network circuit board from its connector.
- Turn the ignition to the RUN position and inspect the BRAKE indicator.
Is the BRAKE lamp illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 5
| Go to
Step 8
- Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.
- Remove the connector from the instrument cluster.
- Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position.
- Use a test lamp from B+ to check for ground at terminal 28
of the connector.
Is this terminal shorted to ground?
| --
| Go to
Step 7
| Go to
Step 6
- Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.
- Replace the instrument cluster.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.
- Examine the following areas for a short to ground or an electrical
• | Between the instrument cluster terminal 28 and splice S205. |
• | Between the diode network terminal H and splice S205. |
• | Between the diode network terminal G and splice S205. |
• | Between splice S205 and the pull button relay (or the park brake
switch if not auto apply). |
• | Test for a faulty pull button relay or park brake switch. |
• | Test for an open in circuit 909 providing power to terminal A1
(85) of the pull button relay. |
• | Between S205 and the park brake alarm and alarm relay |
• | Test for a faulty park brake alarm relay. |
• | Test for an open in circuit 639 providing power to the park brake
alarm relay, terminal A1 (85). |
- Repair the fault found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe the diode network connector
terminal A with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp light?
| --
| Go to
Step 16
| Go to
Step 9
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe
the diode network connector terminal B with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp light?
| --
| Go to
Step 13
| Go to
Step 10
| With the ignition in RUN, backprobe
the diode network connector terminal C with a test lamp to B+.
Does the lamp light?
| --
| Go to
Step 12
| Go to
Step 11
| Replace the diode network.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Locate the fault in circuit 1134 (LT BLU).
• | If the vehicle has DRL: |
- | A short to ground between the diode network terminal C
and splice S257. |
- | A short to ground between splice S257 and the ignition switch
terminal D of C2. |
- | A short to ground between splice S257 and the DRL module terminal A. |
- | A short to ground between splice S257 and the park brake switch. |
• | If the vehicle does not have DRL: |
• | A short to ground between the diode network terminal C
and the ignition switch terminal D of C2. |
- Repair the fault found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition LOCK.
- Replace the diode network into the connector and close the housing.
- Disconnect the connector from the brake pressure differential
- Turn the ignition to RUN.
Is the BRAKE lamp illuminated?
| --
| Go to
Step 14
| Go to
Step 15
- Perform a brake system diagnostic to find the leak or other source
of the pressure differential.
- Repair and bleed the hydraulic system.
- Reset the pressure differential switch.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Find and repair the short to ground in circuit 680 (PPL) in one
of the following areas:
• | Between the diode network, terminal B, and the brake pressure
differential switch terminal A |
• | Between the diode network terminal B, and the EBCM connector C1
terminal H |
- Repair the problem found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.
- Open the end of the diode network housing.
- Carefully remove the diode network circuit board from its connector.
- Turn the ignition to RUN and listen for the alarm.
Is the alarm sounding?
| --
| Go to
Step 18
| Go to
Step 17
- Turn the ignition to LOCK.
- Locate the fault in circuit 965, the power brake booster fluid
flow alarm circuit.
• | Test circuit 965 (YEL/BLK) for a short to ground in the following
locations: |
- | From the diode network terminal A to connector C200 terminal P9 |
- | From terminal P9 of connector C200 to splice S220 |
- | From splice S220 to the power brake booster fluid flow alarm terminal
A |
- | From splice S220 to the park brake booster fluid flow indicator/alarm
delay module terminal E |
• | Check circuit 966 (TAN) between the park brake booster fluid flow
indicator/alarm delay module terminal C and terminal B. |
• | Test circuit 1928 from the power brake booster fluid flow indicator/alarm
switch terminal A to the power brake boost pump pressure switch terminal A. |
- Repair as needed.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
- Find and repair the short to ground in one of the following circuits:
• | Circuit 920 (ORN) between diode splice S203 and the park brake
alarm relay terminal A2 |
• | Circuit 920 (ORN) between diode splice S203 and the park brake
alarm |
- Repair the problem found.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Adjust or repair the parking brake system as required.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --
| Check for ABS DTCs and repair as indicated.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| System OK
| --