Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Important: Perform the following tests with the engine coolant at ambient temperature. Use a digital multimeter (DMM) at the coolant heater cord flat terminals in order to inspect the resistance of the entire coolant heater circuit. Is the reading higher than the specified value? | 45 ohms | Go to Step 2 | Go to Step 5 |
2 | Inspect the entire coolant heater cord. Is the coolant heater cord frayed, split or cut? | -- | Go to Step 8 | Go to Step 3 |
3 |
Are either of the coolant heater cord connector terminals loose or damaged? | -- | Go to Step 8 | Go to Step 4 |
4 | Use the DMM at the coolant heater terminals in order to inspect the resistance of the coolant heater. Is the reading higher than the specified value? | 43 ohms | Go to Step 9 | Go to Step 8 |
5 | Test at the coolant heater cord flat terminals for a short to ground. Does the reading indicate a short to ground? | -- | Go to Step 6 | Go to Step 7 |
6 |
Does the reading indicate a short to engine ground? | -- | Go to Step 8 | Go to Step 9 |
7 |
Does the reading indicate an internal short? | -- | Go to Step 8 | System OK |
8 | Replace the engine coolant heater cord. Refer to Coolant Heater Cord Replacement. Does the customer concern still exist? | -- | Go to Step 1 | System OK |
9 | Replace the engine coolant heater. Refer to Coolant Heater Replacement. Does the customer concern still exist? | -- | Go to Step 1 | System OK |