The Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module, receives inputs from the Powertrain Control Module (PCM), through the TAC serial data circuits, and from driver controlled inputs. The cruise control ON/OFF switch is supplied battery positive voltage through circuit 1239 from the CR CONT fuse #20 in the instrument panel electrical center. When the cruise control ON/OFF switch is in the ON position a 12 volt signal is supplied to the TAC module through the cruise on/off signal circuit 397. The cruise control SET and R/A switches are supplied voltage through the cruise control ON/OFF switch when in the ON position. When the SET switch is pressed while the ON/OFF switch is in the ON position a 12 volt signal is supplied to the TAC module through the cruise set/coast signal circuit 84. When the R/A switch is pressed a 12 volt signal is supplied to the TAC module through the resume/accel signal circuit 87.