Folding Top Stowage Compartment Seal Leaking at the Lock Pillar
Possible Cause
The sealing tape on the underside of the weatherstrip is
not sealing properly.
Perform a localized water test along the folding top stowage compartment
Corrective Action
- Open the stowage compartment.
- Remove the fastener from the end of the weatherstrip.
- Raise the flipper door.
- Pull the seal from the top of the lock pillar.
- Replace the two sided sealing tape directing the water to the
- Install the weatherstrip.
- Install the fastener.
Folding Top Stowage Lid Protector Leaking at the Lock Pillar
Possible Cause
Protector strip on lid is to long or to short.
Visually inspect the end of the protector strip. The strip should be
cut on a forward and upward angle. The lower edge of the strip must be flush
with the edge of the lid.
Corrective Action # 1
If the strip is to long cut it off on the same angle with the lower
edge flush with the lid.
Corrective Action # 2
- If the strip is to short, peel the strip back 75 to 100 mm
(3 to 4 in) and stretch the strip to lengthen the strip
so that the lower edge is flush with the lid.
- Reseal the strip to the lid.