8 Digit GM Part Number: Scan tool displays: part number - Display indicates the part number
of the EBCM.
Analog Steer Sensor Voltage: Scan tool displays: Volts--Display indicates the position
of the Steering Wheel Position Sensor by displaying the analog voltage, roughly
2.5 volts when the front wheels are pointed straight.
Calibration ID: Scan tool displays: number - Display indicates the 4 digit
calibration ID of the EBCM.
DE Base Part Number: Scan tool displays: part number - Display indicates the base part
number of the EBCM.
DE Build Sequence Number: Scan tool displays: number - Display indicates the number in order
that the EBCM was built.
DE Calibration Part Number: Scan tool displays: part number - Display indicates the end model
part number of the EBCM.
DE End Model Part Number: Scan tool displays: part number - Display indicates the end model
part number of the EBCM.
DE ROM Part Number: Scan tool displays: part number - Display indicates the ROM part
number of the EBCM.
Digital SWPS Index Pulse (without JL4): Scan tool displays: High/Low--Display indicates the SWPS index
pulse state. The index pulse represents the SWPS original centered position
when the sensor was installed.
Digital SWPS Bias Correction: Scan tool displays: degrees--Display indicates the amount
of change in the SWPS digital centered position after the centering routine
is complete.
Digital SWPS Phase A Pulse: Scan tool displays: High/Low--Display indicates the state
of the Phase A pulse. The EBCM uses the state change from Phase A and
Phase B to calculate the position of the front wheels. The EBCM can also
determine the direction the front wheels are rotating. If Phase A changes
state first the wheels are turning left, if Phase B changes state first
the wheels are turning right
Digital SWPS Phase B Pulse: Scan tool displays: High/Low--Display indicates the state
of the Phase B pulse. The EBCM uses the state change from Phase A and
Phase B to calculate the position of the front wheels. The EBCM can also
determine the direction the front wheels are rotating. If Phase A changes
state first the wheels are turning left, if Phase B changes state first
the wheels are turning right.
Ignition Power: Scan tool displays: Volts--Display indicated the level of
ignition voltage at the EBCM.
Julian Date Code: Scan tool displays: year/day - Display indicates the last digit
of the year and the day of the year that the EBCM was built.
Magnasteer® Commanded Current: Scan tool displays: Amps--Display indicates the amount of
current the EBCM is commanding to the Magnasteer® actuator.
Magnasteer® Failed: Scan tool displays YES/NO--Display indicates if Magnasteer®
is inactive do to a malfunction.
Magnasteer® Feedback Current: Scan tool displays: Amps--Display indicates the actual current
that was sent to the Magnasteer® actuator.
Manufacturing Shift Info.: Scan tool displays: shift - Display indicates the shift when the
EBCM was built.
Manufacturing Site: Scan tool displays: location - Display indicates the location where
the EBCM was built.
PROM ID: Scan tool displays: number - Display indicates the 4 digit
PROM ID of the EBCM.
Steer Angle Centering Complete: Scan tool displays: Yes/No--Display indicates if the Steering
Wheel Position Sensor centering routine that the EBCM runs each time the
vehicle is driven is complete.
Vehicle Speed: Scan tool displays: km/h (mph)--Display shows vehicle speed
from the average of all four wheel speeds.