Service Part Preparation Procedure
Important: When damage to the rest of the panel is minimal, repair the outer rear wheelhouse by sectioning.
Before you remove the damaged section of the panel from the vehicle, prepare the service assembly in order to
become familiar with the procedure, to know exactly where to cut the damaged panel for a better fit of the new section.
- On the service part, apply a strip of 50 mm (2 in) masking tape along the vertical surface of the wheelhouse radius to form a welding flange. Center the tape
midway between the upper and the lower tangents of the bend radius.
- On the service part, cut along the inner edge of the tape location (b).
- Remove the excess portion of the wheelhouse on the service part.
Removal Procedure
- Remove all the related panels and the components.
- Visually inspect the damage.
- Remove the following components as necessary:
• | The anti-corrosion materials |
- On the damaged part, apply a strip of 50 mm (2 in) masking tape along the horizontal surface of the wheelhouse radius
to form a welding flange. Center the tape midway between the upper and the lower tangents of the bend radius.
- On the vehicle, cut along the outboard side of the masking tape in order to create a tab for the weld flange on the new wheelhouse section.
- Remove the damaged section of the wheelhouse.
Installation Procedure
- Mark the plug weld holes every 40 mm (1½ in) along the weld flange on the service part.
- Position the service part.
- Temporarily align the sheet metal with sheet metal screws
- Install the quarter panel outer. Position the panel to the vehicle, using 3-dimensional measuring equipment. Clamp the panel in place.
- Verify the fit of the panels. Adjust the panels as necessary. Temporarily sheet metal screw the panel in place.
- Remove the quarter outer panel.
- Remove the service part.
- Drill 8 mm (5/16 in) along the weld flange on the service part at the locations marked in the earlier step.
- Prepare the mating surfaces for welding, as necessary.
- Apply 3M® Weld-Thru coating P/N 05916 or equivalent to all mating surfaces.
- Install the service wheelhouse outer panel in the proper position, as verified in the previous steps.
- Plug weld accordingly the wheelhouse outer to the vehicle.
- Stitch weld along the top side of the service panel to the inner quarter panel. Place a 12 mm (1/2 in) stitch weld between the plug welds.
- Apply sound deadening materials as necessary.
- Apply the sealers and anti-corrosion materials to the repair area, as necessary. Refer to
Anti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair
- Paint the repair area. Refer to
Basecoat/Clearcoat Paint Systems
- Install all related panels and components.
- Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to
Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection
- Enable the SIR system. Refer to
SIR Disabling and Enabling