Transmission Cooler Pipes and Hoses Replacement Inlet
Removal Procedure
Notice: Refer to Vehicle Lifting and Jacking Notice in the Preface section.
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Drain the transaxle fluid.
- Remove the clip from the hose, then disconnect the hose from theh fluid
cooler inlet pipe.
- Remove the inlet pipe union bolt from the radiator.
- Remove the fluid cooler inlet pipe bolt from
the transaxle.
- Remove the inlet pipe fitting nut from the transaxle.
- Remove the fluid cooler inlet pipe and hoses.
Installation Procedure
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.
- Install the fluid cooler inlet pipe fitting nut into the transaxle.
Tighten the fluid cooler inlet pipe fitting nut to 35 N·m (26 Ib ft).
- Install the fluid cooler inlet pipe bolt into the transaxle.
Tighten the fluid cooler inlet pipe bolt to 9 N·m (80 Ib in).
- Connect the fluid cooler hoses and
install the clip into the radiator threaded connector.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Fill the transaxle with the fluid.
Transmission Cooler Pipes and Hoses Replacement Outlet
Removal Procedure
- Drain the transaxle fluid.
- Remove the front outlet pipe union bolt from the radiator.
- Remove the front outlet pipe clip bolt from the radiator.
- Remove the rear outlet pipe clip bolt from the
- Remove the rear outlet pipe fitting nut from the transaxle.
- Remove the fluid cooler outlet pipe and hoses.
Installation Procedure
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.
- Install the fluid cooler rear outlet pipe fitting nut.
Tighten the fluid cooler rear outlet pipe fitting nut to 35 N·m
(26 lb ft).
- Install the fluid cooler rear outlet pipe clip bolt.
Tighten the fluid cooler rear outlet pipe clip bolt to 9 N·m (80 lb in).
- Install the front outlet pipe union
bolt into the radiator.
Tighten the front outlet pipe union bolt to 35 N·m (26 lb ft).
- Install the front outlet pipe clip bolt into the radiator.
Tighten the front outlet pipe clip bolt to 9 N·m (80 lb in).
- Fill the transaxle with the fluid.