Any of the following conditions may cause steering and vibration complaints:
• | Improper wheel alignment |
• | Wheel and tire imbalance |
• | Lead |
Lead is the deviation of the vehicle from a straight path on a level road without hand pressure on the wheel. |
Worn or defective tires may cause lead. |
Refer to Suspension General Diagnosis for diagnosis of complaints in steering, vibration, or wheel alignment.
In order to ensure correct alignment readings and adjustments, perform the following inspections before inspecting the caster, the camber, or the toe:
• | The proper inflation |
• | Approximately the same level of tread wear on all of the tires |
If the ball joints and the tie rod ends are loose, tighten the ball joints and the tie rod ends (1) before adjustment.
If the tie rods are loose, tighten the tie rods (2) before adjustment.
If the trim heights are incorrect, correct the trim height before adjusting the toe.
• If the vehicle normally carries an excessive load, do not remove
the excessive load during alignment checks. • Inspect the equipment used in order to check alignment. Follow
the manufacturer's instructions. • Always inspect the alignment of a vehicle on a level surface.