Notice: Use only Delco Supreme 11® Brake Fluid, GM P/N 1052535, or equivalent, DOT 3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed container. Do not use any fluid from a container which is wet with water. Do not use DOT 5 silicone brake fluid. Improper brake fluid, water or mineral oil in the fluid may cause the brake fluid to boil or the rubber components to deteriorate.
The complete hydraulic system should be flushed thoroughly with clean brake fluid whenever new parts are installed in the hydraulic system. The system must be flushed if there is any doubt about the grade of fluid in the system, or if fluid containing the slightest trace of mineral oil has been used. Approximately 0.94 liters (1 quart) of fluid is required to flush the hydraulic system. All rubber parts that have been exposed to contaminated fluid must be replaced.
When flushing the system, use the step specified in the manual bleeding procedure outlined in Bleeding Brake Hydraulic System in this section.