Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Notice: Remember to "zero" the meter before taking measurements. When checking resistance, cautiously wiggle the lead-in tip and cable. The readings below should always be obtained. If not, some portions of the lead-in is intermittent and the lead-in should be replaced. Is the resistance less than the specified value? | 0.15 ohms | Go to Step 2 | Go to Step 5 |
2 |
Does the DMM indicate intermittent continuity? | -- | Go to Step 5 | Go to Step 3 |
3 |
Notice: Remember to "zero" the meter before taking measurements. When checking resistance, cautiously wiggle the lead-in tip and cable. The readings below should always be obtained. If not, some portions of the lead-in is intermittent and the lead-in should be replaced. Use a DMM and measure the resistance between the radio coaxial lead-in connector inner conductor and antenna mast. Is the resistance less than the specified value? | 0.15 ohms | Go to Step 4 | Go to Step 6 |
4 | While observing the DMM, wiggle the coaxial wire. Does the DMM indicate intermittent continuity? | -- | Go to Step 6 | Go to Speaker Noise - General |
5 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | System OK | Go to Speaker Noise - General |
6 |
Is the repair complete? | -- | System OK | -- |