GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only



YEAR: 1994


TO: All Oldsmobile Retailers

The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, as amended, provides that each vehicle subject to a recall campaign of this type must be adequately repaired within a reasonable time after the owner has tendered it for repair. A failure to repair within sixty (60) days after tender of a vehicle is prima facie evidence of failure to repair within a reasonable time.

If the condition is not adequately repaired within a reasonable time, the owner may be entitled to an identical or reasonably equivalent vehicle at no charge or to a refund of the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation.

To avoid having to provide these burdensome solutions, every effort must be made to promptly schedule an appointment with each owner and to repair their vehicle as soon as possible. As you will see in reading the included copy of the letter that is being sent to owners, the owners are being instructed to contact the Oldsmobile Customer Assistance Network (OCAN) if their retailer does not remedy the condition within five (5) days of the mutually agreed upon service date. If the condition is not remedied within a reasonable time, they are instructed on how to contact the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


General Motors has determined that certain 1994 Oldsmobile Achieva vehicles may not comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 301, "Fuel System Integrity". These vehicles may have been built with welds in the rear compartment pan assembly which do not meet General Motors' manufacturing standards. As a result, these vehicles may not meet the FMVSS standard relating to fuel leakage in the event of a rear-impact crash. To prevent this condition from occurring, retailers are to install rivets adjacent to the locations where suspect welds may have occurred.


Certain 1994 Oldsmobile Achieva models within the following VIN breakpoints:


1994 N ACHIEVA RM036409 RM038311

Most of the subject vehicles within the breakpoints listed above were corrected at the assembly plant prior to being shipped to the retailer and will not require correction by the retailer. All subject vehicles which are listed on the retailer's campaign printout will require correction as outlined in the SERVICE PROCEDURE section of this bulletin.


1G3NL553XRM036409 1G3NL1536RM036416 1G3NL55M7RM036425 1G3NL5530RM036435 1G3NL1535RM036410 1G3NL1538RM036417 1G3NL553XRM036426 1G3NL55M1RM036436 1G3NL15M6RM036411 1G3NL55MXRM036418 1G3NL5535RM036429 1G3NL5536RM036438 1G3NL53M5RM036412 1G3NL5539RM036420 1G3NL1534RM036432 1G3NL53MXRM036440 1G3NL53M7RM036413 1G3NL153XRM036421 1G3NF15M6RM036433 1G3NL5536RM036441 1G3NF15M4RM036415 1G3NL1533RM036423 1G3NL13M3RM036434 1G3NL15D5RM036450 1G3NL55M8RM036451 1G3NL1532RM036526 1G3NF55M3RM036591 1G3NL5536RM036729 1G3NL5530RM036452 1G3NL15M3RM036527 1G3NL1534RM036592 1G3NF15M5RM036732 1G3NL1531RM036453 1G3NL1536RM036528 1G3NL5539RM036594 1G3NL55M9RM036734 1G3NL1535RM036455 1G3NF15M8RM036529 1G3NL53M6RM036595 1G3NF55M1RM036735 1G3NL1539RM036457 1G3NL55M4RM036530 1G3NF13M8RM036596 1G3NL55M4RM036740 1G3NL1532RM036459 1G3NL15M7RM036532 1G3NL15M4RM036598 1G3NL5538RM036750 1G3NL553XRM036460 1G3NL5530RM036533 1G3NL5534RM036602 1G3NL1539RM036751 1G3NL55M2RM036462 1G3NL13M7RM036534 1G3NL53M3RM036604 1G3NL55M2RM036753 1G3NL53M0RM036463 1G3NL5534RM036535 1G3NL1532RM036607 1G3NL15M7RM036756 1G3NL5537RM036464 1G3NL5536RM036536 1G3NL1536RM036609 1G3NL55MXRM036757 1G3NL1538RM036465 1G3NF15M7RM036537 1G3NL5533RM036610 1G3NL15M2RM036762 1G3NL5530RM036466 1G3NL553XRM036538 1G3NL1534RM036611 1G3NL55M5RM036763 1G3NL53M8RM036467 1G3NL1530RM036539 1G3NL55M8RM036613 1G3NF15M0RM036766 1G3NL55M3RM036468 1G3NL5538RM036540 1G3NL55MXRM036614 1G3NL5533RM036767 1G3NL5536RM036469 1G3NL5531RM036542 1G3NL5532RM036615 1G3NL5537RM036769 1G3NL53MXRM036471 1G3NL5533RM036543 1G3NL1533RM036616 1G3NL55M3RM036776 1G3NL5536RM036472 1G3NL55M4RM036544 1G3NL55D5RM036617 1G3NL1535RM036777 1G3NL1537RM036473 1G3NL5537RM036545 1G3NF15A8RM036620 1G3NL55M9RM036779 1G3NL13M4RM036474 1G3NL53M4RM036546 1G3NL55M7RM036621 1G3NF15M5RM036780 1G3NF15A3RM036475 1G3NL153XRM036547 1G3NL15M8RM036622 1G3NL55M0RM036783 1G3NF15M2RM036476 1G3NL55M1RM036548 1G3NL5535RM036625 1G3NL15M3RM036785 1G3NL53M4RM036479 1G3NL1533RM036549 1G3NL1536RM036626 1G3NL5532RM036792 1G3NL53M0RM036480 1G3NL55MXRM036550 1G3NL15M0RM036629 1G3NL15MXRM036797 1G3NL15M5RM036481 1G3NL5532RM036551 1G3NL153XRM036631 1G3NL55M4RM036799 1G3NL55MXRM036483 1G3NL55M3RM036552 1G3NL13M0RM036634 1G3NL1539RM036801 1G3NL55M3RM036485 1G3NL5536RM036553 1G3NL1539RM036636 1G3NL13M8RM036803 1G3NL53M1RM036486 1G3NL553XRM036555 1G3NL55M0RM036637 1G3NL53M6RM036807 1G3NL5538RM036487 1G3NL5531RM036556 1G3NL53M9RM036638 1G3NL5530RM036810 1G3NL5336RM036488 1G3NL533XRM036557 1G3NL53M0RM036639 1G3NL5537RM036822 1G3NL55M0RM036489 1G3NL53MORM036558 1G3NL53M7RM036640 1G3NF55D6RM036827 1G3NL1537RM036490 1G3NL55M6RM036559 1G3NL53M9RM036641 1G3NL5539RM036837 1G3NL55M9RM036491 1G3NL55D2RM036560 1G3NL5535RM036642 1G3NL1534RM036849 1G3NL53M7RM036492 1G3NL15M5RM036562 1G3NL53M2RM036643 1G3NL55M6RM036853 1G3NF55M3RM036493 1G3NL153XRM036564 1G3NL15M7RM036644 1G3NL1533RM036857 1G3NL15M3RM036494 1G3NL55M1RM036565 1G3NF15M3RM036647 1G3NL5336RM036877 1G3NL13M1RM036495 1G3NL15M2RM036566 1G3NL53M1RM036651 1G3NF55M6RM036911 1G3NL5539RM036496 1G3NL1537RM036568 1G3NL55M7RM036652 1G3NL5538RM036926 1G3NL15M9RM036497 1G3NL1539RM036569 1G3NL55M9RM036653 1G3NL1534RM036933 1G3NL53M8RM036498 1G3NF15M5RM036570 1G3NL53M9RM036655 1G3NL53M4RM036952 1G3NL55M8RM036501 1G3NL5538RM036571 1G3NL15M3RM036656 1G3NL5538RM036957 1G3NL153XRM036502 1G3NL553XRM036572 1G3NL55M9RM036667 1G3NL5335RM036966 1G3NL1531RM036503 1G3NL53M7RM036573 1G3NL53M0RM036673 1G3NL53M6RM036967 1G3NL1533RM036504 1G3NL1532RM036574 1G3NL5532RM036677 1G3NL5330RM036986 1G3NL53M1RM036505 1G3NL5535RM036575 1G3NL1535RM036679 1G3NL5539RM036997 1G3NL55M7RM036506 1G3NL53M2RM036576 1G3NL1537RM036683 1G3NL5530RM036998 1G3NL15M8RM036507 1G3NL5335RM036577 1G3NL53M0RM036687 1G3NL1537RM037008 1G3NL5531RM036508 1G3NL53M6RM036578 1G3NL53M4RM036692 1G3NL1537RM037011 1G3NL1530RM036511 1G3NL55D1RM036579 1G3NL55M1RM036694 1G3NL55M4RM037015 1G3NL1532RM036512 1G3NL5530RM036581 1G3NL15M8RM036698 1G3NL5535RM037029 1G3NL5535RM036513 1G3NF15M1RM036582 1G3NL13M6RM036699 1G3NF15M2RM037191 1G3NL1538RM036515 1G3NL5534RM036583 1G3NL5534RM036700 1G3NL55M1RM037313 1G3NL13M0RM036519 1G3NL55M5RM036584 1G3NL5531RM036704 1G3NL53M1RM037377 1G3NL5532RM036520 1G3NL15M6RM036585 1G3NL55D1RM036713 1G3NL5534RM037538 1G3NL55M3RM036521 1G3NL553XRM036586 1G3NL1537RM036716 1G3NL55M2RM037773 1G3NL55M7RM036523 1G3NL5531RM036587 1G3NL55M9RM036717 1G3NF15M5RM037802 1G3NL553XRM036524 1G3NL53M9RM036588 1G3NL55M9RM036720 1G3NL15D1RM038311 1G3NL5531RM036525 1G3NL5531RM036590 1G3NL13M1RM036724

Involved vehicles have been identified by Vehicle Identification Number computer listings. Computer listings contain the complete Vehicle Identification Number, owner name and address data, and are furnished to involved retailers with the campaign bulletin. Owner name and address data furnished will enable retailers to follow-up with owners involved in this campaign.

These listings may contain owner names and addresses obtained from State Motor Vehicle Registration Records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of law in several states. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this listing to the follow-up necessary to complete this campaign. Any retailer not receiving a computer listing with the campaign bulletin has no involved vehicles currently assigned.


Each involved retailer will be preshipped on, July 21, 1994, the required number of parts equal to 50% of the number of vehicles to be repaired (minimum of one set per included retailer). Preshipped parts will be charged to the retailer's open account.

If additional parts are required to complete this campaign, they are to be obtained from General Motors Service Parts Operations (GMSPO). To ensure these parts will be obtained as soon as possible, they should be ordered from GMSPO on a "C.I.O." order with no special instruction code, but on an advise code ( 2 ).

DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER QUANTITY/VNEHICLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rivet 22578214 12 Patch, Butyl sealer 11515174 1


Owners will be notified of this recall on their vehicles by Oldsmobile Division (see copy of the owner letter included with this bulletin).


This bulletin is notice to you that the new motor vehicles included in this campaign may not comply with the standard identified. Under Section 301 of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, it is illegal for a retailer to sell a new motor vehicle which the retailer knows does not comply with an applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. As a consequence, if you sell any of these motor vehicles without first performing the campaign correction, your retail facility may be subject to a civil penalty up to $1,000.00 for each such sale.

All unsold new vehicles in retailers' possession subject to this campaign mus be held and inspected/repaired per the service procedure of this campaign bulletin before owners take possession of these vehicles.

Retailers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.

Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory with no owner information indicated on the retailer listing are to be contacted by the retailer, and arrangements made to make the required correction according to the instructions contained in this bulletin. This could be done by mailing to such owners a copy of the owners letter included in this bulletin. Campaign follow-up cards should not be used for this purpose, since the owner may not as yet have received the notification letter.

In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your new or used vehicle inventory, or it is in your retail facility for service in the future, please take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle. Your cooperation in completing this campaign as soon as possible will be greatly appreciated.


1. Open vehicle trunk and remove spare tire storage compartment cover. Position trunk carpet forward in compartment to avoid damage from repair procedure.

2. Raise car on hoist.

3. Remove bolt-rear muffler hanger to body rail (single and dual exhaust).

4. Remove bolt-front muffler hanger to muffler (single and dual exhaust).

5. Remove bolt-front muffler hanger to body rail (single and dual exhaust). Remove hanger (set aside for reinstallation).

6. On dual exhaust vehicles, remove nut-muffler hanger to body rail stud.

7. Remove bolt-intermediate pipe hanger to underbody.

8. Carefully position the exhaust system to provide required access to flanges on underbody rail.

9. Remove muffler heat shield (driver's side) from under body rail (5 screws).

10. Using a marking crayon, mark the locations on the rail flanges as indicated in Table 1 and as shown on the illustration in Figure 1. For locations on the outboard flange, take all measurements from the surface of the stud plate. For locations on the inboard flange take all measurements from the sheet metal surface of the rear bumper mounting panel. When marking is completed, make sure there are twelve (12) locations marked as shown on the illustration.


DRIVER'S SIDE RAIL PASSENGER SIDE RAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outboard Flange Inboard Flange Outboard Inboard Measure from surface Measure from surface Measure from Measure from of stud plate of sheet metal panel surface of surface of stud plate sheet metal panel

Distance to Rivet Distance to Rivet Distance to Distance to location from location from rivet location rivet location reference reference from reference from reference

1. 13.5 cm (5 1/4") 15.0 cm (5 3/4") 25 cm (9 3/4") 24.0 cm (9/12") 2. 64.5 cm (25 1/2") 20.0 cm (7 3/4") 54.0 cm (21 1/2") 43.2 cm (17") 3. 30.0 cm (12") 61.0 cm (24") 4. 49.0 cm (19 1/2") 5. 67.5 cm (26 1/2")

11. Using a 1/8" bit, drill pilot holes upward through all layers of metal into the rear compartment at all twelve (12) marked locations. All holes must be centered on the flange.

12. Lower vehicle.

13. From the top side, enlarge all twelve (12) pilot holes to final size of 6.75 mm (17/64").

14. Using a 1/2" spade type bit or equivalent tool, remove a 1/2" diameter circle of the baked-on sound deadener material from each of the twelve (12) drilled holes. Sound deadener material must be completely removed around each hole to allow proper seating of rivets directly against sheet metal, but care must be used to minimize damage to trunk sheet metal.

15. Install and pull twelve (12) rivets, P/N 22578214 using heavy duty rivet gun J-34940.

16. Apply a small amount of Kent Leak Check Clear (stock # CHT-C; Part # 10195) or equivalent to each of the twelve (12) riveted locations. Use a putty knife to level the sealer with the baked-on sound deadener material at each riveted location.

17. Cut butyl sealer patch P/N 11515174 (7 1/2" x 4 1/2") into 15 squares, each measuring 1 1/2" x 1 1/2". Apply one (1) sealer patch square over each of the twelve (12) riveted and sealed locations, leaving the black backing material on the butyl sealer to minimize adhesion of the trunk carpet.

18. Raise vehicle on hoist.

19. Apply rubberized undercoating (Penray Rubberized Undercoat #4424 or equivalent) to the underside of the vehicle at each of the twelve (1 2) riveted locations. Rivets must be thoroughly coated with undercoat material.

20. Re-install muffler heat shield to driver's side underbody rail with 5 screws. Tighten until fully driven, seated, but not stripped.

21. Reposition the exhaust system, and install intermediate pipe hanger to underbody with one bolt. Tighten to 47 N m (35 LBS. FT. ) .

22. On dual exhaust vehicles, position right muffler and hanger to hanger stud and install nut to stud. Tighten to 17 Nm (13 LBS.FT.).

23. Re-install front muffler hanger to left rail using one bolt. Tighten to 27 Nm (20 LBS.FT.

24. Position muffler and exhaust pipe to front muffler hanger. Install bolt to front muffler hanger and front of muffler. Tighten to 15 Nm (11 LBS.FT.).

25. Position muffler and exhaust pipe to LEFT rail. Re-install rear muffler hanger to LEFT body rail using bolt. Tighten bolt to 27 Nm (20 LBS. FT.

26. Lower vehicle.

27. Reposition trunk carpet.

28. Reinstall spare tire storage compartment cover.

29. Install campaign identification label.


Each label provides space to print the campaign number and the five (5) digit retailer code of the retailer performing the campaign. Insert this information with a typewriter or ball-point pen. When installing the label, clean and dry the surface of the radiator support tie bar and apply the campaign label where it is readily visible.

Each Campaign Identification Label is to be located on the radiator core support in an area which will be visible when the vehicle is brought in for periodic servicing by the owner.


Submit claims using only one of the "V" labor-ops below for each vehicle: (ST)* TOTAL FAILURE LABOR LABOR STRAIGHT OPERATION PARTS CODE OPERATION HRS TIME HOURS -------------------------------------------------------------------- Install rivets to rear compartment pan 13 96 V9040 1.2 0.1 ADD FOR DUAL EXHAUST: (for certain .1 SC models only equipped with dual

* Administration Allowance: .1 hour for clerical administration may be applied for in the Straight Time (ST) column.

Parts Allowance: Current retailer price, plus 40% allowance for handling.

NOTE: the "Net Amount" column should represent the actual cost plus 40% for Kent Leak Check # 10195 and Penray Rubberized Undercoat # 4424 or equivalents used for the repair.

Dear Oldsmobile Achieva Owner:

This notice is sent to you in accordance with the requirements of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

REASON FOR RECALL: General Motors has determined that certain 1994 Oldsmobile Achieva vehicles may not comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 301, "Fuel System Integrity". These vehicles may have been built with welds in the rear compartment pan assembly which do not meet General Motors' manufacturing standards. As a result, these vehicles may not meet the FMVSS standard relating to fuel leakage in the event of a rear-impact crash.

WHAT WE WILL DO: To prevent this condition from occurring, retailers are to install rivets adjacent to the locations where suspect welds may have occurred. This service will be performed for you at no charge.

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Please contact your Oldsmobile retailer as soon as possible to arrange a service date. Instructions for making this correction have been sent to your retailer and parts are currently available. The labor time necessary to perform this service is approximately 1.3 hours. Please ask your retailer if you wish to know how much additional time will be needed to schedule and process your vehicle.

Your Oldsmobile retailer is best equipped to obtain parts and provide service to ensure that your vehicle is corrected as promptly as possible. If, however, you take your vehicle to your retailer on the agreed service date, and they do not remedy this condition on that date or within five (5) days, we recommend you contact the Oldsmobile Customer Assistance Center by calling 1-800-442-OLDS.

After contacting your retailer and the Oldsmobile Customer Assistance Center, if you are still not satisfied that we have done our best to remedy this condition without charge and within a reasonable time, you may wish to write the Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590 or call 1-800-424-9393 (Washington D.C. residents use 366-0123).

The enclosed owner reply card identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this card to your retailer will assist in making the necessary correction in the shortest possible time. If you have sold or traded your vehicle, please let us know by completing the postage paid reply card and returning it to us.

We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your safety and continued satisfaction with our products.


Object Number: 335566  Size: FS

General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.