The Powertrain OBD System Check table will identify other tables for
specific checks, such as:
If there is no fuel pressure inspect all component and circuit grounds.
Fuel system deposits can cause various driveability problems. Deposits
usually occur during hot soaks after key Off. Poor fuel quality or driving
patterns such as short trips followed by long cool down periods can cause
injector deposits. This occurs when the fuel remaining in the injector
tip evaporates and leaves deposits. Leaking injectors can increase injector
deposits. Deposits on fuel injectors affect their spray pattern, which
in turn could cause reduced power, unstable idle, hard starts and poor
fuel economy.
Intake valve deposits can also be related to fuel quality. While most
fuels contain deposit inhibitors, some do not and the effectiveness of deposit
inhibitors varies by manufacturer. If intake valve deposits occur, fuel
may be suspected. These deposits can cause symptoms such as excessive
exhaust emissions, power loss and poor fuel economy.