8-Digit GM Part Number: The scan tool displays the plant build part number for the remote
keyless entry system installed.
Calibration ID: The scan tool displays the four digit number of the calibration
or program revision level used in the PROM.
Invalid Transmitter: The scan tool displays either "More Than 10" or "
Less Than 10" to show how many invalid transmissions were received by
the RFA.
Key Pressed On Fob: The scan tool displays the function of the last key fob button
received by the RFA. The functions possible are Dr. Door Unlock, Door Lock,
All door Unlock, Trunk and Alarm.
Last Fob Used: The scan tool displays the number of the last fob received by the
RFA. There may be up to four fobs programmed for the RFA.
PROM: The scan tool displays the four digit number of the PROM incorporated
into the RFA module.