The eighth character in the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) identifies the engine. Adhesive-backed labels attached to the engine, laser etching or stampings on the engine block indicate the engine unit number/date code. All engines are stamped with a VIN derivative. For more information on the VIN derivative, refer to VIN Derivative .
The primary location of the VIN derivative for the 3.5L Twin Cam V6 LX5 (VIN H) engine is on the right front side of the engine block (1).
The engine code letter is the eighth digit of the VIN, which identifies the engine.
Stick-on labels attached to the engine, laser etching, or stampings in the engine block indicate the engine unit number/build code date. All engines are stamped with a VIN derivative. For more information on the VIN derivative, refer to VIN Derivative .
The engine ID number will be located on the end surface of the cam cover (1), and the VIN derivative is located on the engine block in front of the transaxle extension (2), as shown.