General Motors has determined that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in some 1988 and 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais model vehicles equipped with Quad 4 engines (RPO LD2, VIN Code'D'). The Front Fuel Feed Hose Assembly could crack or separate at the coupling on the engine end of the hose assembly, allowing fuel to leak into the underhood area. Under certain circumstances, this could result in an underhood fire.
To prevent this condition from occurring, dealers are to inspect, and if required, replace the Front Fuel Feed Hose Assembly on involved vehicles.
Some 1988 and 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais vehicles equipped with Quad 4 engines (RPO LD2; VIN Code "D") within the VIN breakpoints listed below:
Through & Year Assembly Plant Beginning Including ---- -------------- --------- ---------
1988 Lansing North JM248891 JM277820
1989 Lansing North KM220636 KM309890 End of Production
Where P/N 24570910 hose is known to have been used for a prior warranty replacement of the Front Fuel Feed Hose Assembly, the vehicle has been deleted from the dealers VIN list. Also, this recall EXCLUDES a test fleet of vehicles built with LGO, VIN Code "A" Quad 4 engines and P/N 24570910 hoses near the end of 1989 production.
Involved vehicles repaired for the above described condition prior to this campaign will still require correction if a P/N 2457091 0 hose assembly was not used.
All vehicles which are listed on the dealers campaign printout will require inspection/correction as outlined in the SERVICE PROCEDURE section of this bulletin.
Should a question arise concerning the campaign involvement of a specific vehicle(s) within the breakpoints listed above, dealers should access the Vehicle Information Service System (V.I.S.S.) for verification.
Dealers are to perform this campaign on all, involved vehicles at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership from this time forward.
Whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your new or used car inventory, or it is in your dealership for service, you are to ensure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
Dealers are to contact owners of vehicles recently sold from your new or used vehicle inventory and arrange for the campaign correction to be performed.
1. Raise and support the hood. Examine the Front Fuel Feed Hose Assembly. if the hose assembly is a P/N 2457091 0 part, as shown in Figure 1, proceed directly to Step. 9. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.
2. Note owners radio station choices, then disconnect negative battery cable and remove fuel tank filler cap.
3. Relieve pressure in fuel system following instructions below:
To reduce the risk of fire and personal injury, it is necessary to relieve fuel system pressure before servicing fuel system components, otherwise fuel spray could occur. Have a dry chemical (Class B) fire extinguisher near the work area.
A. Connect fuel gage J 34430-1 or equivalent to fuel pressure connection. Wrap a shop cloth around fitting while connecting gage to collect fuel. Then place cloth in an approved container.
B. Install bleed hose into the approved container and open valve to bleed system pressure. Drain any fuel remaining in the gage into an approved container.
4. Disconnect Front Fuel Feed Hose at engine and body fuel feed pipes utilizing a backup wrench on fittings. Take care not to lose the seal and washer at the fuel rail. Remove bolt and pipe clamp on engine.
5. Examine the 0-ring seal and the white plastic [washer] retainer in the end of the fuel rail; determine that they are undamaged and in proper position for reuse. Examine the 0-ring on the body fuel feed pipe, making sure 0-ring is in proper position and undamaged for reuse. See Figure 2.
6. Obtain new Front Fuel Feed Hose (Service P/N 24570910). Install the new Front Fuel Feed Hose to the engine fuel rail and to the body fuel feed pipe fitting, ensuring hose is not kinked or twisted. Torque the pipe nut at the fuel rail to 30 N.m (22 lbs.ft.) and the hose fitting at the body pipe to 27 N.m (20 lbs.ft.), utilizing a backup wrench on fittings.
Reinstall bolt and pipe clamp, torquing bolt to 12 N.m (1 06
Ensure that there is at least 13 mm (1 /2 inch) clearance between the fuel feed hose and any sharp edges. Do likewise for the fuel return hose assembly.
7. Reinstall fuel tank filler cap and reconnect the negative battery cable. Reset clock and radio station preset buttons to owners choices noted at Step 2.
8. Start engine and check for possible fuel leaks and correct as required. Also check the fuel pressure connection for leaks.
9. Install a Campaign Identification Label.
Each label provides space to print the campaign number, and the five (5) digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign. insert this information with a typewriter or ball-point pen. When installing label, clean and dry the surface of the radiator support tie bar and apply the campaign label where ft is readily visible.
To ensure that the pans your dealership may require are obtained as soon as possible, order them from GM Service Parts Operations (GMSPO) on a C.I.O. order, with NO special instruction code, but order on an advise code (2). Use the following part number:
Description Part Number Quantity Per Vehicle ----------- ----------- --------------------
Pipe, Fuel Injection Fuel Feed 24570910 1, as required (Front Fuel Feed Hose Assembly)
Please order quantities of parts based on the number of involved vehicles listed in the VIN list sent to dealers.
Part numbers are listed below for those rare cases in which 0-rings or retainers may be lost or damaged during removal of the fuel feed hose (all parts listed below are now available from GMSPO).
Description Part Number Color Quantity/Vehicle ----------- ----------- ----- ----------------
0-ring Seal, at Body Pipe 22514722 Brown As Required
Seal, F/Injn Fuel Feed [W/retainer] 12339317 As Required
Package 12339317 consists of:
0-ring Seal, at Fuel Rail Black
Retainer, 0-ring, Fuel Rail White
Submit claims using only one of the labor-ops below for each vehicle:
TOT-PTS TC LAB-OP LHRS ST ------- -- ------ ---- --
Inspect For Presence of 96 V5930 .2 .1* P/N 2457091 0 Hose, Only * *
Inspect For Correct Hose 96 V5931 .3 .1* and Replace Hose Assembly
* .1 hour for clerical administration may be applied for in the Straight Time (ST) column.
** The use of the inspect-only Labor-Op should be very rare.
Parts Allowance: Current dealer price, plus 30% allowance for handling.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.