Software Part Number: Part number of component program or the ECU. Used to determine
applicability to vehicle RPO content.
Battery Voltage: Direct line from the battery used to monitor voltages.
Battery Power 2: High current voltage supply to the control module for powering
up the unit.
Battery Power 3: High current voltage supply to the control module for powering
up the unit.
Crank: Input from ignition switch closed to battery voltage when the ignition
switch is in the CRANK position.
Door Jamb Switch: Input showing state of the passenger door(s).
Driver Door Switch: Input from the driver door indicating door status (Open-Closed).
Ground 2: Input showing the state of the ground circuit to the control module.
Ignition 0: Input to the control module from the ignition switch indicating
the Ignition 0 position. Switch closed (HOT) in ignition switch positions
Unlock, Accessory, Run, Crank
Ignition 1: Input to the control module from the ignition switch indicating
the Ignition 1 position. Switch closed (HOT) in ignition switch positions
Run, Crank
Inadvertent Power Output: Input indicating the sensed state of the inadvertent power request
Inadvertent Power Output: Output indicating the state as commanded by the control module.
Key In Ignition: Input from ignition switch indicating that the ignition key is
inserted into the ignition switch. HOT with key in ignition and ignition switch
position LOCK.
RAP Output: Output indicates state that the control module has commanded.
Truck Ajar Switch: Indicates state of switch used to control lamp in truck and IPC