1986 Riviera and Toronado
--------- General Motors of Canada has determined that all 1986 and certain 1987 Oldsmobile Toronado and Buick Riviera models were produced with a low engine oil pressure warning system that could malfunction resulting in an erroneous low engine oil pressure warning to the vehicle driver.
To prevent the possibility of this condition occurring on 1986 models, Dealers are to install a new EPROM in the body computer module (BCM), replace the three-terminal oil pressure switch with a new four-terminal oil pressure sensor, inspect the sensor wiring harness connector terminals for corrosion, and clean or replace the terminals if necessary.
To prevent the possibility of this condition occurring on 1987 models, installation of a new EPROM in the body computer module (BCM) is required.
Involved are all 1986 and certain 1987 Oldsmobile Toronado models within the following VIN breakpoints:
1986 SOP EOP 1987 SOP HU305043
1986 SOP EOP 1987 SOP HU406896
All affected vehicles have been identified by the VIN listing provided to involved Dealers with this bulletin. Any Dealer not receiving a listing was not shipped any of the affected vehicles.
Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your new or used vehicle inventory, or it is in your Dealership for service in the future, you should take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before reselling or releasing the vehicle.
Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the Dealer, and arrangements made to make the required modification according to instructions contained in this bulletin.
Refer to Section 4 of the Service Policies and Procedures Manual for the detailed procedure on handling Product Campaigns. Dealers are requested to complete the campaign on all transfers as soon as possible.
All owners of record at the time of campaign release are shown on the attached computer listing and have been notified by first class mail from General Motors. The listings provided are for campaign activity only and should not be used for any other purpose.
Parts required to complete this campaign should be ordered through regular channels, as follows:
Oil Pressure Sensor 1986 1644131 1
Connector Kit* 1986 1643680 1
EPROM OLDS 1986 1228416 (If Required)
EPROM OLDS 1987 16075597 1
EPROM BUICK 1987 16075601 1
* Connector Kit Contains: 4 Terminals 1 Wire Seal (Red) 3 Wire Seals (Blue) 1 Connector Seal 1 Secondary Lock
Credit for the campaign work performed will be paid upon receipt of a properly completed campaign claim card, RAPID terminal or DCS transmission in accordance with the following:
Repair Code Operation Time Allowance ----------- --------- --------------
2A 1986 Models Only - Determine if .7* vehicle is equipped with three three terminal oil pressure switch or four terminal oil pressure sensor. If equipped with three terminal switch replace with four terminal sensor. (NOTE:If vehicle is equipped with four terminal sensor, sensor replacement is not required).Inspect sensor connector terminals for corrosion.Replace EPROM.
3A 1987 Models - Install New EPROM .5
* Add: credits (if required) To clean one or all connector terminals .1 hour. To replace connector terminal(s) .1 hour each.
Time allowance includes 0.1 hour for Dealer administrative detail associated with this campaign. Parts credit will be based on Dealer net plus 30% to cover parts handling.
If the vehicle is a 1986 model, begin with Part A of this service procedure. If the vehicle is a 1987 model, begin with Part C of this service procedure.
A. Inspection -----------
1. Open hood and install fender covers.
2. Locate and disengage connector from oil pressure switch. Refer to Figure 1.
3. Inspect top of oil pressure "switch" to determine if it is a three (3) terminal switch or a four (4) terminal sensor. If vehicle is equipped with a four (4) terminal sensor, sensor replacement is not required.
- If three (3) terminals are present (oil pressure switch), proceed to step 4 below.
- If four (4) terminals are present (oil pressure sensor), proceed to step 5 below.
4. Remove switch and install new oil pressure sensor, part number 1644131.
5. Using a good light, closely examine the three male terminals on the switch (if replaced in step 4) and the female terminal ends in the sensor connector for corrosion.
- If there are any signs of corrosion, it will be necessary to clean or replace the connector terminal(s). Proceed to Part B, Step 1 of this Service Procedure.
- If there are no signs of corrosion, inspect the connector seal to ensure it is free of any dirt or debris and then reconnect connector to oil pressure sensor. Proceed to Part B, Step 17 of this Service Procedure.
If connector seal is contaminated with dirt or grease, or appears damaged, replace with new seal contained in connector kit, part number 1643680. Refer to Parts Information.
B. Oil Pressure Sensor Connector Terminal Clean cement ---------------------------------------------------
1. Disengage secondary lock from back of connector and remove.
2. Grasp wire and push terminal forward in connector.
3. Insert terminal removal tool into entry canal of connector and angle tool slightly to depress lock tang on terminal. Refer to Figure 2.
4. Gently pull on wire to remove terminal through back of connector.
5. If corrosion is white powder and only on contact surface of connector terminal (where mating to sensor terminal occurs), clean only with a standard contact cleaner, such as CRC Electra Clean, CRC Contact Cleaner or equivalent. Proceed to Step 13.
6. If corrosion is a greenish powder on the contact surface and/or in the area of the crimp to wire, the affected terminal(s) must be replaced. Follow steps 7 through 13 for each terminal affected.
7. Cut off old terminal between insulation wings and core wings. Refer to Figure 3. Pull off old seal and remaining piece of terminal.
8. Install new wire seal and strip 1/4 inch of insulation off wire.
9. Position wire into terminal, Figure 4.
10. With 18 gauge wire crimpers, crimp terminal core wings.
11. Using rosin core solder, solder hand crimped terminal(s) as shown in Figure 5.
12. Align wire seal with wire insulation (Figure 6) and use nose of wire crimpers to wrap the insulation wings around seal. (Wings around seal should just hold seal in place. DO NOT OVER CRIMP).
13. Ensure terminal lock tang is properly formed and plug terminal back into correct cavity of connector, Figure 7.
14. Install new secondary lock on back of connector.
15. Inspect the connector seal to ensure it is free of any damage, dirt or debris.
16. Reconnect the connector to the oil pressure sensor.
17. Position connector harness away from the serpentine belt and secure with electrical tape.
18. Install new EPROM. Refer to Part C.
C. EPROM Installation ------------------
1. Open I.P. compartment door.
2. Disconnect stop straps.
3. Remove screws attaching door to hinge.
4. Remove I.P. compartment door.
5. Remove relay centre bracket assembly and position aside.
6. Remove fuse panel and position aside.
7. With ignition switch off, remove electrical connectors from BCM and loosen nuts attaching BCM to bracket.
8. Remove BCM.
9. Remove four screws from access cover and remove cover. Refer to Figure 8.
10. Remove EPROM as follows: Using the rocker type PROM removal tool (Figure 8), engage one end of the EPROM carrier with the hook end of the tool. Press on the vertical bar end of the tool and rock the engaged end of the EPROM carrier up as far as possible. Engage the opposite end of the EPROM carrier in the same manner and rock this end up as far as possible. Repeat this process until the EPROM carrier and the EPROM are free of the EPROM socket.
11. Install EPROM, mounted in carrier, in EPROM socket. Small notch in carrier must be aligned with small notch in socket. Press on EPROM carrier until it is firmly seated in the socket. Do not press on EPROM; only the carrier.
12. Install access cover and secure with four screws.
13. Reinstall BCM (reverse Steps 1 through 7).
14. Proceed to Part D of this service procedure.
D. Clear BCM Malfunction Code --------------------------
To -clear BCM codes, press the fan up ( ) of fan down ( ) buttons on the electronic climate control (ECC) panel (refer to Figure 9) as indicated in the following procedure while watching the instrument panel information display.
1. Open instrument panel compartment door.
2. Remove 10 screws attaching instrument panel compartment box to instrument panel.
3. Remove instrument panel compartment by sliding rearward.
4. With ignition switch off, remove electrical connectors from BCM and remove attaching bracket to BCM.
5. Remove BCM.
6. Remove four screws from access cover and remove cover. Refer to Figure 1.
7. Remove EPROM as follows: Using the rocker type PROM removal tool (Figure 1), engage one end of the EPROM carrier with the hook end of the tool. Press on the vertical bar end of the tool and rock the engaged end of the EPROM carrier up as far as possible. Engage the opposite end of the EPROM carrier in the same manner and rock this end up as far as possible. Repeat this process until the EPROM carrier and the EPROM are free of the EPROM socket.
8. Install EPROM, mounted in carrier, in EPROM socket. Small notch in carrier must be aligned with small notch in socket. Press on EPROM carrier until it is firmly seated in the socket. Do not press on EPROM, only the carrier.
9. Install- access cover and secure with four screws.
10. Reinstall BCM (reverse Steps 1 through 4).
Clean surface of radiator upper mounting panel and apply a Campaign Identification Label. Make sure the correct campaign number is inserted on the label. This will indicate that the campaign has been completed.
Dear General Motors Customer:
General Motors of Canada has determined that 1986 and early production 1987 Oldsmobile Toronado and Buick Riviera models were produced with a low engine oil pressure warning system that could malfunction resulting in an erroneous low engine oil pressure warning to the vehicle driver.
To correct this condition on your vehicle, your GM Dealer will install a new EPROM (integrated circuit board) in the body computer module, replace the three-terminal engine oil pressure switch with a new four-terminal oil pressure sensor, inspect the sensor wiring harness connector terminals for corrosion, and clean or replace the terminals if necessary. This service will be performed for you at no charge.
It is important that this service is done so that your vehicle's low engine oil pressure warning system will only indicate conditions which might result in extensive engine damage.
Instructions for performing this service have been sent to your GM Dealer. Please contact your GM Dealer to arrange a service date. The labour time to install a new EPROM and oil pressure sensor and to inspect the sensor connector terminals is about 35 minutes. If the connector terminal(s) require cleaning or replacement, additional labor time of up to approximately 25 minutes will be required. Please ask your Dealer if you wish to know how much additional time will be required to process your vehicle.
This letter identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this letter to your Dealer will assist their Service personnel in completing the necessary correction to your vehicle in the shortest possible time.
Further assistance, if required, may be obtained from the General Motors Zone Office nearest you. Your vehicle Owner's Manual provides the location and phone number of each respective Zone Office.
We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your continued satisfaction with our products.
Technical Services Department General Motors of Canada Limited
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.