This bulletin will explain option content, new car pre-delivery procedures, service procedures and items unique to the cellular mobile telephone system.
When a 1989 Toronado or Trofeo is ordered with a mobile telephone (Option Code UZ3) the entire telephone system will be factory installed. (The handset, transceiver, microphone, armrest, user's manual, tri-band antenna, and all wiring will arrive installed in the vehicle).
Before delivery to the owner, it is necessary to program the telephone to provide service. Programming instructions are included in the Programming Guide For Cellular Telephones (included in the user's manual package.) Programming includes such things as establishing the owner's new cellular telephone numbers.
The forms on pages 4 and 5 of this bulletin should be photocopied and used by the dealership to make certain all information necessary to establish customer telephone service has been obtained. (These forms should be kept in the vehicle history file). Much of the information can be supplied by the customer PRIOR to the delivery of the vehicle. It may be beneficial to the customer if the dealership has literature on hand from competitive local system operators in order to assist owners who are unfamiliar with cellular telephone service in making decisions concerning billing and special features. (Consult your local telephone directory for competitive system operators.)
The dealership must use the information received from the System Operator (see page 5) in a simple 10 step programming procedure to program the transceiver Number Assignment Module (NAM). The programming of the telephone system is done with the key pad of the telephone handset. Programming instructions are included with the transceiver. (See also the NAM Programming Data Table for phone systems included in this bulletin on page 6).
Programming the phone may be practiced as many times as desired so long as the SEND button is NOT pressed. After 3 times, the phone must be reset by your local Motorola Service Shop (MSS). This involves placing the phone into test mode and invoking the "initialize non-volatile memory to zero" command. The dealership should be advised that this may involve a fee. Once it has been reset by the MSS, it may be programmed 3 additional times by a dealership until it must be reset again.
The following is provided to help avoid confusion and assure proper inspection of vehicles equipped with the cellular telephone option.
Missing or damaged components If noted at delivery, dealership upon dealership receipt of should file a transportation vehicle. claim and obtain replacement parts from GMSPO.
The cellular mobile telephone system is covered by the vehicle's 36 month/50,000 mile complete car warranty. This coverage is for all wiring and components in the system. After the first year or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first, repairs are subject to the $100 deductible per repair visit.
An administrative allowance of .2 hours is allowed for either handset (R5113) or transceiver (R5116) removal and replacement, when service by Motorola is necessary.
As with any warranted factory equipment, the dealership is responsible for diagnosis and repair of customer concerns regarding phone system operation. Oldsmobile will reimburse the Dealer for performance of warranty phone system repairs. Motorola Service Shops will provide transceiver and handset diagnosis and repair to the dealership at no charge while under warranty. (See "Transceiver or Handset Service").
Some Motorola Shops may volunteer to assist with vehicle phone system diagnosis and repair (operating under applicable Oldsmobile policy regarding sublet repair), but they are under no obligation to do so. Dealerships will be responsible for providing the MSS with any necessary wiring diagrams and trouble trees.
Following the steps below, a dealership should be able to resolve any cellular telephone problem encountered:
Consult all appropriate publications
- This Dealer Service Bulletin. - Service Information Manual Section 8A and 91 for system description, wiring diagmms, and trouble trees.
All service parts, except for the owner's manual, will be available from GMSPO. The owner's manual will be made available through:
Lansing Lithographers, Inc. P.O. Box 23188 Lansing, Mi. 48909-3188
When diagnosis indicates handset or transceiver replacement, BOTH components should be provided to the nearest Motorola Service Shop (MSS) which will repair or replace the components at no charge to the dealership while under warranty. The entire vehicle should be made available to the MSS whenever possible for maximum diagnostic efficiency. In some instances, antenna or coax cable problems can only be detected if the vehicle is provid ed to the MSS. By dialing 1-800-331-6456 (outside of Illinois) or 1-213-576-0428 (inside Illinois), information regarding the location of the nearest service shop can be obtained. Phones are staffed from 8:30 to 5:00 Central Standard time.
When servicing a cellular mobile telephone system, diagnosis may require the placing of telephone calls from the cellular phone in order to identify the condition. These calls should be made to the dealership switchboard or other local destination and should be very brief. The owner should be advised of this procedure and informed that a small charge for the call will appear on their telephone bill. This procedure should also be followed if the phone is tested before the owner first takes delivery of the vehicle.
The Dealership should be ready to provide the information below to the Cellular Telephone System Operator in order to establish customer telephone service:
The System Operator will provide the data below once the dealership has supplied the information on the Telephone Number Acquisition Form (see page 6):
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.