General Motors of Canada Limited has determined that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in certain 1995 Pontiac Bonneville model vehicles. Some of these vehicles were assembled with Lighting Control Modules which may experience excessive current leakage due to damaged surface mounting capacitors. This condition could result in a loss of head lamps and park lamps. Sudden loss of head lamp lighting could reduce driver visibility, which could result in a vehicle crash without prior warning.
In addition, the potential also exists that the head lamps cannot be turned off or that they could turn on while the vehicle is parked. Both of these conditions would result in loss of battery state of charge and the inability to restart the vehicle.
To prevent the possibility of these conditions from occurring, dealers are to replace the lamp control module on involved vehicles.
Involved are the following 1995 Pontiac Bonneville model vehicles:
1G2HX52K1S4202159 1G2HX52K3S4201837 1G2HX52K6S4202464 1G2HZ52K2S4202343 1G2HZ5216S4202997
All affected vehicles have been identified by the VIN listing provided to involved dealers with this bulletin. Any dealer not receiving a listing was not shipped any of the affected vehicles.
All unsold new vehicles in dealer's possession and subject to this campaign must be held and inspected/repaired per the Service Procedure of this Campaign Bulletin before owners take possession of these vehicles.
Dealers are to perform this campaign on all involved vehicles at no charge to owners, regardless of kilometers traveled, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory with no owner information indicated on the dealer listing, are to be contacted by the dealer, and arrangements made to make the required correction according to instructions contained in this bulletin. This could be done by mailing to such owners a copy of the owner letter accompanying this bulletin. campaign follow-up cards should not be used for this purpose, since the owner may not as yet have received the notification letter.
In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your new or used vehicle inventory, or is in your dealership for service in the future, please take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
Refer to Section 4 of the Service Policies and Procedures Manual for the detailed procedure on handling Product Campaigns. Dealers are requested to complete the campaign on all transfers as soon as possible.
All owners of record at the time of campaign release are shown on the attached computer listing and have been notified by first class mail from General Motors (see copy of owner letter included with this bulletin). The listings provided are for campaign activity only and should not be used for any other purpose.
Parts required to complete this campaign should be ordered through regular channels, as follows:
PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY/VEHICLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25621273 Lamp Control Module 1
Credit for the campaign work performed will be paid upon receipt of a properly completed campaign claim card or DCS transmission in accordance with the following:
2A Replace Lamp Control Module .4
Time allowance includes 0.1 hour for dealer administrative detail associated with this campaign. Parts credit will be based on dealer net plus 40% to cover parts handling.
1. Raise hood and disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Remove left side sound insulator (from below instrument panel).
3. Reposition carpet around lamp control module (see illustration for location of module).
4. Remove lamp control module from mounting bracket.
5. Disconnect connectors (2) from lamp control module.
6. Install connectors to new lamp control module and install module in mounting brackets.
7. Reinstall carpet and right side sound insulator panel.
8. Reconnect battery cable, ensure radio stations are returned to preset positions and reset clock.
9. Check for proper operation of exterior lamps.
10. Install Campaign Identification Label.
Clean surface of radiator upper mounting panel and apply a Campaign Identification Label. Make sure the correct campaign number is inserted on the label. This will indicate that the campaign has been completed.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.