The procedures for steering column removal and installation on Parisienne, Grand Prix, and Bonneville models have been revised. Please update Section 3B5 of your service manual accordingly. Also, see illustration to revise Step No. 6 on page 3B5-11 (Grand Prix/Bonneville) and 3B5-12 (Parisienne).
1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Remove clamp bolt from coupling at lower end of column shaft.
3. Disconnect shift linkage from shift tube lever at lower end of steering column.
4. If column is to be replaced or repaired (out of car), remove steering wheel. Refer to "Steering Wheel - Removal."
5. Remove left sound insulator.
6. Remove lower steering column cover.
7. Remove trim cap or lower trim panel from instrument panel.
8. Remove cover and toe-pan attaching screws. (Fig. 3B5-403, Grand Prix/ Bonneville).
9. If equipped with column shift, remove shift indicator needle from shift bowl.
10. Remove the two nuts "A" and "B" from bracket assembly, while holding column in position.
11. Lower column and disconnect wiring. If spacers were used on bolts "A" and "B", retain for use when installing steering column.
12. Carefully remove steering column from inside of car.
1. Remove column support bracket and wiring protector.
2. Install column holding fixture J-23074.
3. Install column and tool into vise.
4. Remove lock plate cover.
5. Remove lock plate and retainer.
Continue column service as necessary.
See "Notice" on Page 3B5-1 of this section.
1. Carefully position steering column from inside of car through toe-pan.
2. Connect all wiring before raising steering column.
3. Raise steering column into position and loosely install nuts "A" and "B". If spacers were removed, install equal thickness on each side. (Fig. 3B5-403, Grand Prix/Bonneville).
4. Install intermediate shaft onto steering column shaft. Install clamp bolt and nut and tighten to 70 N-m (50 lbs. ft.).
5. Visually check flex-coupling alignment. If incorrect, it will be necessary to move column a ssembly.
Flex coupling must be straight within 1.59 mm (1/16") without bottoming intermediate shaft coupling.
6. Install and tighten toe-pan screws. (Fig. 3B5-403, Grand Prix/Bonneville).
7. Tighten nuts "A" and "B" to 27 N-m (20 lbs. ft.).
8. If equipped with column shift, install shift indicator needle.
9. Install cover over toe-pan.
10. Install trim cap or lower trim panel on instrument panel.
11. If steering wheel was removed, install steering wheel. Refer to "Steering Wheel - Installation."
12. Connect negative battery cable to battery.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.