Caution: Leaving children in a vehicle with the ignition key is dangerous for many reasons, children or others could be badly injured or even killed. They could operate the power windows or other controls or even make the vehicle move. The windows will function with the keys in the ignition and children could be seriously injured or killed if caught in the path of a closing window. Do not leave the keys in a vehicle with children.
One key is used for the ignition, the doors and all other locks.
When a new vehicle is delivered, the dealer/retailer removes the key tag from the key and gives it to the first owner.
Each tag has a code on it that tells your dealer/retailer or a qualified locksmith how to make extra keys. Keep the tag in a safe place. If you lose your key, you'll be able to have a new one made easily using this code.
If you need a new key, contact your dealer/retailer to obtain the correct key code. See Roadside Assistance Program for more information.
Notice: If you ever lock your keys in the vehicle, you may have to damage the vehicle to get in. Be sure you have spare keys.