- Clamp the camshaft in a vise, and make sure that the camshaft timing gear or sprocket does not rotate.
- Remove the bolt and camshaft timing gear or sprocket.
- Remove camshaft timing gear assembly.
- Inspect the camshaft for runout.
- Place the camshaft on V-blocks.
- Using a dial indicator, measure the circle runout at the center journal.
Maximum Circle Runout
0.03 mm (0.0012 in)
- If the circle runout is greater than the maximum, replace the camshaft.
- Inspect the cam lobes.
- Using a micrometer, measure the cam lobe heights.
Standard Cam Lobe Height
47.306 to 47.406 mm (1.8624 to 1.8664 in)
Minimum Cam Lobe Height
47.196 mm (1.8581 in)
- If any of the cam lobe heights are less than the minimum, replace the camshaft.
- Inspect the camshaft journals.
- Using a micrometer, measure the journal diameter.
- If the journal diameter is not as specified, check the oil clearance.
- Inspect No. 2 camshaft for runout.
- Place the camshaft on V-blocks.
- Using a dial indicator, measure the circle runout at the center journal.
Maximum Circle Runout
0.03 mm (0.0012 in)
- If the circle runout is greater than the maximum, replace the camshaft.
- Inspect the cam lobes.
- Using a micrometer, measure the cam lobe heights.
Standard Cam Lobe Height
46.063 to 46.163 mm (1.8135 to 1.8174 in)
Minimum Cam Lobe Height
45.953 mm (1.8092 in)
- If any of the cam lobe heights are less than the minimum, replace the camshaft.
- Inspect the camshaft journals.
- Using a micrometer, measure the journal diameter.
- If the journal diameter is not as specified, check the oil clearance.