Scan Tool Output Control | Additional Menu Selections | Description |
Miscellaneous Test | Rear Door Lock/Unlock | The BCM actuates the door lock relay when you select Lock. Rear doors should lock. The BCM actuates the door unlock relay when you select Unlock. Rear doors should unlock. |
Miscellaneous Test | Left Rear Window | The BCM will control the left window up when you select Up. The BCM will control the left window down when you select Down. |
Miscellaneous Test | Right Rear Window | The BCM will control the right window up when you select Up. The BCM will control the right window down when you select Down. |
Scan Tool Output Control | Additional Menu Selections | Description |
Output Control | Window Up/Down | The DDM or PDM will command the window up and down |
Output Control | Door Lock Unlock Test | The DDM or PDM will command the door lock actuator to lock or unlock |
Output Control | Mirror Left/Right | The DDM or PDM will command the mirror left and right |
Output Control | Mirror Up/Down | The DDM or PDM will command the mirror up and down |
Output Control | Mirror Heat | The DDM or PDM will command the mirror heater on and off |