VTD -- Data List -- Auto Learn Timer: The current state of the 10 minute timer, which must time out three
times in order for the relearn procedure to be authorized.
VTD -- Data List -- Seed and Key: This state must time out for the relearn to occure.
VTD -- Data List -- # of Learned Key Codes: The number of transponder key values learned by the VTD (Pass Key
III) module.
VTD -- Data List -- Manufactures Enable Counter: This data value is for use at the assembly plant.
VTD -- Data List -- Security Lamp Status: The san tool monitors the status of the security message in the
instrument panel cluster.
VTD -- Data List -- Prom ID: This is the modules internal Prom identifier.
VTD -- Data List -- 8 Digit GM Part Number: the scan tool displays the control module part number.
PCM -- Data List -- VTD Fuel Disable: The scan tool displays the state of fuel disable.