Wheel Refinishing
A protective clearcoat and/or base color is applied to the surface of
the original equipment cast aluminum wheels. Surface degradation can begin
to develop if uncoated balance weights are used, or if frequent, repeated
automatic car wash cleaning wears off the factory applied protective clearcoat
and/or base color. This can happen at some automatic car wash facilities
that use aggressive silicone carbide tipped tire brushes to clean the whitewalls
and the tires. Exposure to caustic cleaners and/or to road salt causes further
surface degradation once the protective clearcoat is damaged.
The refinishing of aluminum wheels requires that the wheel surface be
plastic media blasted to remove old clearcoat or paint. The remachining or
the use of chemical strippers is not recommended due to the concerns for
repair durability. The service procedure details how to strip, how to clean,
and how to recoat the aluminum wheels that are affected by the above condition.
Wheel Refinishing Service Procedure
Caution: To avoid serious personal injury when applying any two part component
paint system, follow the specific precautions provided by the paint manufacturer.
Failure to follow these precautions may cause lung irritation and allergic
respiratory reaction.
- Remove the tire and wheel assembly from the vehicle. Refer to
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
- Remove the balance weights and valve stem from the wheel.
- Remove the tire from the wheel.
- Use a suitable remover to wipe the following from the wheel:
• | Wipe the excess grease from the wheel. |
• | Wipe the excess wax from the wheel. |
• | Wipe the excess dirt from the wheel. |
• | Do not re-match the aluminum wheels. |
• | Do not use chemical strippers. |
- Remove the old clearcoat and the old paint from the wheel by plastic
media blasting the wheel.
Light sanding of the wheel, while manually spinning the wheel, may also
be done to restore the circular machined appearance.
- Mask off the wheel mounting surface and the lug nut contact surfaces.
These areas must remain free of paint and/or clearcoat.
- Follow the individual formula and process provided by the manufacturer
of each specific paint system to perform the painting process.
- Unmask the wheel.
- Install new valve stem.
- Install the tire to the wheel.
- Rebalance the tire and wheel using new coated balance weights.
- Clean all the wheel mounting surfaces of the following:
- Install the tire and wheel assembly to the vehicle. Refer to
Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation