Battery Voltage: Displays the voltage of the battery positive supply circuit to
the memory seat module.
Driver Identification: Displays the current driver of the vehicle as programmed by personalization.
Exit Front Vertical Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when exiting the vehicle.
Exit Horizontal Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when exiting the vehicle.
Exit Rear Vertical Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when exiting the vehicle.
Front Vertical Motor: Displays the current state of the front vertical motor.
Front Vertical Position Sensor: Displays 0.5 to 3.0 volts for the current position of the seat.
When the front of the driver seat is at the down stop the volts are near 0.5
volts. As the rear of the driver seat is raised the voltage will increase
until the up stop is reached where the voltage will be near 3.0 volts.
Front Vertical Switch: Displays current status of the driver seat front vertical adjuster
switch up, down, or inactive.
Horizontal Motor: Displays the current state of the horizontal motor.
Horizontal Position Switch: Displays current status of the driver seat horizontal adjuster
switch forward, backward, or inactive.
Memory Switch: Displays the current status of the memory select switch inactive,
driver 1, driver 2, or with both buttons pressed exit.
Mem 1 Front Vertical Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when using the memory switch to recall a set position.
Mem 2 Front Vertical Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when using the memory switch to recall a set position.
Mem 1 Horizontal Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when using the memory switch to recall a set position.
Mem 2 Horizontal Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when using the memory switch to recall a set position.
Mem 1 Rear Vertical Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when using the memory switch to recall a set position.
Mem 2 Rear Vertical Value: Displays the current value in the memory seat module for seat position
when using the memory switch to recall a set position.
PRNDL State: Displays the current state of the transmission gear selection.
Rear Vertical Motor: Displays the current state of the rear vertical motor.
Rear Vertical Position Sensor: Displays 2.0 to 5.0 volts for the current position of the seat.
When the rear of the driver seat is at the down stop the volts are near 2.0
volts. As the rear of the driver seat is raised the voltage will increase
until the up stop is reached where the voltage will be near 5.0 volts.
Seat Horizontal Position: Displays 1.5 to 5.0 volts for the current position of the seat.
When the driver seat is at the rearward stop the volts are near 1.5 volts.
As the driver seat is moved forward the voltage will increase until the
forward stop is reached where the voltage will be near 5.0 volts.
System Power Mode: Displays the current power state of the memory seat module.
8 Digit GM Part Number: The scan tool displays the part number assigned to the MSM that
is currently in the vehicle.