Some 1985 Cimarrons with a L-4 or V-6 engine built before VIN breakpoint 510300 may experience an engine overheat condition (temperature gage shows hot, coolant overflows from reservior while engine is running or possible cooling fan shroud deformation). This condition may be due to no cooling fan operation caused by a short to ground or open circuit in the cooling fan relay wiring. The cooling fan relay wires are misrouted. They may chafe against the upper left engine mount (see Figure 1) and result in a short to ground or open circuit. The following steps should be performed prior to diagnosing a car built beofr ethe 510300 breakpoint for an overheating condition.
1. Inspect the cooling fan relay wire routing.
2. If the wires are misrouted, as in Figure 1, proceed to step 3. If the wires are routed correctly, as in Figure 2, proceed to Section 6B of the 1985 Cimarron Service Information Manual, Cooling System Diagnosis.
3. Repair any damaged wires and correctly route the relay wires by disconnecting them at the relay (located next to the battery) and route them from underneath the engine wire harness conduit and over the top of the conduit to eliminate possible contact with the upper left engine mount.
4. Inspect the cooling fan fusible link "C", red wire circuit 2, located at the starter motor solenoid. There are 5 red fusible links attached to the starter solenoid on V-6 engines and 6 red fusible links on L-4 engines. The cooling fan fusible link is a .5mm 2 (20 gauge) wire and has the second smallest diameter of the fusible links at the starter solenoid.
5. If the fusible link has been blown, repair the link using the procedure for splicing copper wire found on pages 8A-16 through 8A-18 of the 1985 Cimarron SIM. For best mechanical fastening, use the Pioneer standard splice clip crimping tool, p/n 6285847, if available.
PART P/N ---- -- Fusible Link Wire (4 3/4 in. per car) 6292997 (50 ft. roll)
Ring Terminal (10 per package) 2984756
Splice Clip (25 per package) 1839906
6. Inspect the 20 amp C/H fuse located in the fuse block. If the fuse is blown, replace it.
For warranty purposes, use labor Operation No. N1940 at .2 hour if the relay wires were repaired as in step 3.
If the fusible link was replaced as in step 5, use labor operation No. N1940 at .4 hour.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.