Column Downward Softstop Pos.: Displays the tilt downward softstop position in volts or counts.
Column Forward Softstop Pos.: Displays the telescope forward softstop position in volts or counts.
Column Rearward Softstop Pos.: Displays the telescope rearward softstop position in volts or counts.
Column Softstop Learn Status: Displays Learned if the softstops are learned, and Unlearned if the softstops have not been learned.
Column Upward Softstop Pos.: Displays the tilt upward softstop position in volts or counts.
Key Capture Solenoid Cmd.: Displays On when the BCM energizes the ignition lock solenoid.
Memory 1 Telescope Position: Displays the telescope memory position for driver 1.
Memory 1 Tilt Position: Displays the tilt memory position for driver 1.
Memory 2 Telescope Position: Displays the telescope memory position for driver 2.
Memory 2 Tilt Position: Displays the tilt memory position for driver 2.
SWC Bank 1 Status:: Indicates the switch pressed SW1-SW7, and Idle when released.
Telescope Forward Command: Displays Active when the DPM energizes the telescope actuator to move forward.
Telescope Forward Switch: Displays Active when the telescope forward switch is closed.
Telescope Rearward Command: Displays Active when the DPM energizes the telescope actuator to move rearward.
Telescope Rearward Switch: Displays Active when the telescope rearward switch is closed.
Telescope Sensor: Displays the forward/rearward position of the steering column in volts or counts.
Tilt Down Command: Displays Active when the DPM energizes the tilt actuator to move down.
Tilt Down Switch: Displays Active when the tilt down switch is closed.
Tilt Sensor: Displays the upward/downward position of the steering column in volts or counts.
Tilt Up Command: Displays Active when the DPM energizes the tilt actuator to move up.
Tilt Up Switch: Displays Active when the tilt up switch is closed.