Remote Control Door Lock Receiver (RCDLR)
Battery Voltage: Display indicates battery voltage. Measured in volts.
Ignition 1: Display indicates ON when the ignition 1 input circuit of the module receives a battery signal from the ignition switch.
Shift Lock Solenoid Command: The scan tool displays the commanded state of the solenoid when the brake pedal is applied/unapplied.
Shift Lock Solenoid State: The scan tool displays the actual feedback state of the solenoid monitored by the RCDLR.
Transmission Control Module (TCM)
TCC Brake Switch: Displays ON or OFF status of the TCC Brake switch.
TR Sw. A/B/C/P: Displays LOW or HI for the state of each of the four inputs from the IMS. LOW displayed indicates a low voltage signal (0 volts) being monitored at the TCM. HI displayed indicates a high voltage signal (B+) being
monitored at the TCM.