- Inspect the transmission support for excessive wear, damage and/or deformity, accordingly it may change the driveline working angles. If the transmission support exhibit the above signs, the support replacement is necessary.
- Inspect the rear axle block absorber for excessive wear, damage and/or deformity, accordingly it may change the driveline working angles. If the rear axle block absorber exhibits the above signs, replacement is necessary.
- Inspect the drive shaft support bearing assembly for damaged rubber components, worn bearings or deformed/cracked bracket, accordingly it will affect the driveline working angles. If the supporting bearing assembly exhibit the above signs, replacement
is necessary.
- Inspect the driveline support bearing assembly for loose or missing gasket. Reinstall correctly or replace an gasket if necessary to ensure proper alignment of the support bearing assembly.
- If the U-joint working angle needs adjustment, perform the following steps:
• | Add a gasket between support bearing bracket and the bottom of the body to increase the working angels. |
• | Add a gasket between support bearing and support bearing bracket to decrease the working angles. |