Built-in Hydrometer Diagnosis
A hydrometer is built into the maintenance free battery. The hydrometer
is temperature compensated. The color on the hydrometer indicates the condition
of the battery.
Under normal operation, one of two color conditions on the hydrometer
is possible:
• | A green dot, or floating ball |
• | Any green appearance is interpreted as a "green dot"
and the battery is ready for testing. |
• | A dark condition, with no green dot visible |
If there is a cranking complaint, inspect for trouble in the charging
or electrical systems.
Occasionally, a clear or light yellow color appears. This means the
battery fluid level is below the bottom of the hydrometer. A low fluid level
can be caused by any of the following conditions:
• | Excessive battery tipping |
When finding a battery in ths condition it may indicate high charging
voltages caused by a faulty charging system. The charging and electrical systems
should be checked.
If a cranking complaint exists and is caused by the battery, the battery
should be replaced.