The function of the fuel metering system is to deliver the correct amount
of fuel to the engine under all operating conditions. Fuel is delivered to
the engine by individual fuel injectors near each cylinder. The PCM uses
the voltage inputs from several sensors in order to determine how much fuel
to give the engine. Each injector is energized individually in the engine
firing order, which is called sequential fuel injection (SFI). However,
if the PCM loses the voltage input from the camshaft position (CMP) sensor,
the PCM will energize the fuel injectors by using the alternating synchronous
double fire (ASDF) method. The main control sensor is the oxygen sensor
(O2S) located in the exhaust manifold. This sensor indicates to the PCM
how much oxygen is in the exhaust gas, and the PCM changes the air/fuel
ratio to the engine by controlling the fuel injectors. The best mixture
to minimize exhaust emissions is 14.7:1 which allows the catalytic converter
to operate most efficiently. Because of the constant measuring and adjusting
of the air/fuel ratio, the fuel injection system is called a Closed Loop
Fuel Metering System
Some failures of the fuel metering system will result in an Engine Cranks
But Won't Run symptom. Refer to Engine Cranks But Does Not Run to determine
if the problem is caused by the ignition system, PCM, or fuel pump circuit.
Whenever it is determined to be a fuel problem, the fuel system diagnosis
table will be used. This includes the fuel injectors, the fuel pressure
regulator, the fuel pump, and the fuel pump relay. Whenever a problem
occurs in the fuel metering system, it usually results in either a rich
or lean O2S signal, which causes the PCM to change the fuel calculation
(injector pulse width). The change made to the fuel calculation is indicated
by a change in the Short and Long Term FT values (-100 percent
to 100 percent) which can be monitored by using a scan tool.
A momentary change to the fuel calculation is indicated by the Short
Term FT value, while a prolonged change is indicated by the Long Term FT
value. A value of 0 percent indicates that the fuel delivery requires
no compensation to maintain the proper air/fuel ratio. A negative value
significantly below 0 percent indicates that the fuel system is
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced (decreased injector pulse
width). A positive value significantly more than 0 percent indicates
that a lean condition exists and the fuel delivery is being increased
(increased injector pulse width).
Important: Whenever both fuel trim values are between 0-100 percent,
see DTC P0171 or DTC P0131 tables for items which can cause
a lean system. Whenever both fuel trim values are between 0 to -100 percent,
see DTC P0172 or DTC P0132 for items which can cause the
system to run rich.
Listed below are examples of lean and rich conditions with the system
in control and out of control:
• | A momentary lean O2S signal (system is in control) will appear
on the scan tool as one of the following conditions: |
- | Short Term FT value above 0 percent (adding fuel) |
- | Long Term FT value around 0 percent |
• | A prolonged lean O2S signal (system is in control) will appear
on the scan tool as one of the following conditions: |
- | Short Term FT value around 0 percent |
- | Long Term FT value above 0 percent (added fuel) |
• | A momentary rich O2S signal (system is in control) will appear
on the scan tool as one of the following conditions: |
- | Short Term FT value less than 0 percent (reducing fuel) |
- | Long Term FT value around 0 percent |
• | A prolonged rich O2S signal (system is in control) will appear
on the scan tool as one of the following conditions: |
- | Short Term FT value around 0 percent |
- | Long Term FT value less than 0 percent (reduced fuel) |
• | A prolonged rich O2S signal (system is out of control) will appear
on the scan tool as one of the following conditions: |
- | Short Term FT value much less than 0 percent (reducing
fuel) |
- | Long Term FT value much less than 0 percent (reduced fuel) |
Fuel Metering System Components
The fuel metering system is made up of the following parts:
• | The fuel supply components (fuel tank, pump, and lines). |
• | The fuel pump electrical circuit. |
• | The intake manifold assembly including: |
- | The fuel pressure regulator. |
• | The upper manifold assembly including: |
- | The idle Air Control (IAC) valve. |
- | The throttle Position (TP) sensor. |
Accelerator Controls
The accelerator control system is a cable type and there are no linkage
adjustments. Therefore, the only specific cable for each application must
be used. When work has been performed on the accelerator controls, always
make sure that all components are installed correctly and that the linkage
and cables are not rubbing or binding in any manner. The throttle should
operate freely without binding between full closed and wide open throttle
Intake Manifold Assembly (Upper and Lower Manifold Assemblies)
The intake manifold is made up of the upper and lower manifold assemblies.
The upper manifold assembly (1) is a single casting that includes the upper
portion of the air chamber (plenum) and the air inlet (fitted with a throttle
valve). This assembly replaces the individual throttle body assembly and plenum
components. The throttle valve is used to control air flow into the engine,
thereby controlling engine output. The throttle valve is opened through the
accelerator controls. During engine idle, the throttle valve is almost closed,
and air flow control is handled by the Idle Air Control (IAC)(2)
valve described later in this section. Vacuum ports located at, above, or
below the throttle valve generate vacuum signals needed by various components.
The nonadjustable, throttle shaft-driven, Throttle Position (TP) sensor (3)
is attached to the upper manifold assembly opposite the throttle cam lever.
The lower manifold (5) is a single casting that includes the intake runners
and a longitudinal fuel passage (6) with intersecting fuel injector bores
in each runner. This assembly replaces the individual fuel rail and manifold
components used in other systems. Information on the fuel injectors (7) and
pressure regulator (4) are covered separately.
Fuel Pump Electrical Circuit
When the ignition key is first turned ON, without the engine running,
the PCM energizes the fuel pump relay for a calibrated time (approximately
2 seconds). This builds up fuel pressure quickly. Whenever the engine is not
started within two seconds, the PCM shuts OFF the fuel pump and waits until
ignition reference pulses are present. As soon as the engine is cranked, the
PCM energizes the fuel pump relay which powers the fuel pump.
An inoperative fuel pump relay or an inoperative fuel pump would cause a
no start condition. A fuel pump which does not provide enough pressure can
result in poor performance.
Fuel Injectors
The fuel injector assembly is a solenoid-operated device, controlled
by the PCM, that meters pressurized fuel to a single engine cylinder. The
PCM energizes the fuel injector solenoid, which opens a ball valve, allowing
fuel to flow past the ball valve, and through a recessed flow director plate
at the injector outlet. The director plate has machined holes that control
the fuel flow, generating a conical spray pattern of finely atomized fuel
at the injector tip. Fuel from the tip is directed at the intake valve, causing
it to become further atomized and vaporized before entering the combustion
chamber. A fuel injector that is stuck partly open would cause loss of pressure
after the engine is shut down, so long crank times would be noticed on some
engines. Dieseling could also occur because some fuel could be
delivered to the engine after the ignition is turned OFF.
Fuel Pressure Regulator Assembly
The fuel pressure regulator assembly is a diaphragm-operated relief valve
with fuel pump pressure on one side, and a regulator spring pressure and intake
manifold vacuum on the other side. The regulator's function is to maintain
a constant pressure differential across the injectors at all times. The pressure
regulator compensates for engine load by increasing the fuel pressure as the
engine vacuum drops. The fuel pressure regulator is serviced as
a complete assembly. With the ignition ON and engine OFF (zero vacuum), fuel
pressure should be 284-325 kPa (41-47 psi). Whenever the pressure
is too low, poor performance and a DTC P0171 could result. Whenever the pressure
is too high, excessive odor and a DTC P0172 could result.
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor
The nonadjustable, throttle shaft-driven TP sensor is mounted on the
upper manifold assembly opposite the throttle cam lever. The TP sensor senses
the throttle valve angle and relays the information to the Powertrain Control
Module (PCM). Knowledge of throttle angle is needed by the PCM to properly
control the injector control signals (pulses).
Idle Air Control (IAC) Valve Assembly
Engine idle speed is controlled by the powertrain control module (PCM)
through the IAC valve (1) mounted on the throttle body. The PCM sends voltage
pulses to the IAC valve motor windings causing the IAC valve pintle (3)
to move IN toward the seat, or OUT away from the seat, a given distance
(a step, or count), for each pulse. The commanded location, steps away from
the seated position, can be observed as a number of counts displayed on
a scan tool. The pintle movement controls the airflow around the throttle
valve (2), which in turn, controls engine idle speed:
• | Pintle Extended = Decrease |
• | Pintle Retracted = Increase |
• | The controlled or desired idle speed for all engine operating
conditions is programmed into the EEPROM of the PCM. The programmed engine
speeds are based on coolant temperature, park/neutral switch status, vehicle
speed, battery voltage, and A/C refrigerant pressure, if equipped. |
• | The PCM learns the proper IAC valve positions to achieve warm,
stabilized idle speeds (RPM), desired for the various conditions (P/N or Drive,
A/C ON or OFF, if equipped). This information is stored in PCM keep alive
memories (information is retained after ignition is OFF). All other IAC
valve positioning is calculated based on these memory values. As a result,
engine variations due to wear, and variations in minimum throttle valve
position (within limits) do not affect engine idle speeds. This system provides
correct idle control under all conditions. This also means that disconnecting
power to the PCM can result in incorrect idle control or the necessity to
partially depress the accelerator when starting, until the PCM relearns
idle control. |
• | Engine idle speed is a function of total airflow into the engine
based on IAC valve pintle position plus throttle valve opening plus calibrated
vacuum loss through accessories. |
• | The minimum throttle valve position is set at the factory with
a stop screw. This setting allows enough air flow by the closed throttle valve
to cause the IAC valve pintle to be positioned a calibrated number of steps
(counts) from the seat during controlled idle operation. The minimum throttle
valve position for this engine is not the same as the minimum idle speed
associated with other fuel injected engines. The throttle stop screw is
filled at the factory following an adjustment. |
| Important: Do Not try to remove the filler and readjust the stop screw. Misadjustment
may set a DTC P0506 or a DTC P0507.
• | The PCM normally resets the IAC valve pintle position once during
each ignition cycle when vehicle speed increases above 20 mph on moderate
acceleration. During the reset, the PCM commands the IAC valve pintle to
retract completely, then move IN to the seated position (to establish the
zero count position), and then back out to the desired position. The IAC
is relearned only once per ignition cycle. |
• | The IAC valve also can be reset without driving the vehicle by
using this service procedure: |
1. | Turn ON ignition, with the engine OFF. |
2. | Turn OFF ignition for ten seconds. |
3. | Start engine and check for proper idle operation. |
• | Whenever the IAC valve is disconnected and reconnected while the
engine is running, the resulting IAC valve counts may not correspond with
the actual IAC valve pintle position. When servicing the IAC valve, do not
disconnect or connect the valve until after the ignition has been OFF for
at least 10 seconds. This allows time for the PCM to move the IAC
valve to the 150 count position where the valve is parked while the ignition
is OFF. Whenever this procedure is not followed, the PCM will lose track
of IAC valve position resulting in starting or idle control problems until
the IAC valve is reset and pintle position is relearned. |
• | IAC system problems may cause improper idle speeds, resulting
in a DTC P0506 or a DTC P0507. The DTC P0506 or the DTC P0507
tables should be used to diagnose these problems. |