GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only


Enable Parameter

Result or Use

EGO Ready Timer (EGO Warm Criteria

    • ECT > 40°C
    • M Gas > 0.35 g/s
    • RT Counts @ 3052 or approx. 100 seconds
    • When the EGO ready timer reacher 3052 counts or approximately 100 seconds, any diagnostic dependent on a warm EGO sensor will be enabled.
    • The ready timer will stop counting up at 3662 counts or approximately 120 seconds.
    • When M Gas drops below 0.35 g/s, the ready timer will count backwards so as to disable any diagnostics that may fail due to a possible cold O2S during extended idle periods.

Decel Fuel Cut-Off (DFCO)

    • MAP < 25 kPa
    • RPM > 1800
    • Time > 8 Seconds
    • TPS <= 1%
    • Exit DFCO > 31 kPa
    • The catalyst temperatures may exceed maximum limits during extended decel maneuvers.
    • When the criteria is met, the low pressure lock-off will be cycled off to shut off all fuel and cool the catalysts.
    • DFCO turns off the LPL until mode is exited.

Decel Fuel Open Loop

    • MAP < 25 kPa
    • RPM > 1100
    • Time > 0 Seconds
    • Exit DFOL > 40 kPa
    • The vehicle will operate in open loop as soon as a deceleration is detected that meets the criteria.
    • The vehicle will transition into DFCO if this decel time reaches 8 seconds.

Speed Limiting

VSS > 107 mph

    • Speed limiting is achieved by closing the MCV valve at 107 mph and does not reopen until 104 mph.
    • The vehicle operates in open loop while in speed limiting.

RPM Limiting (In drive > 10 mph)

RPM > 6000

    • RPM limiting is achieved by closing the MCV valve at 6000 RPM and does not reopen until 5800 RPM.
    • The vehicle operates in open loop while in RPM limiting.

RPM Limiting (In neutral or below 10 mph)

RPM > 4000

    • RPM limiting is achieved by closing the MCV valve at 4000 RPM and does not reopen until 3900 RPM.
    • The vehicle operates in open loop while in RPM limiting.

Fuel Switch-Over

    • FPS Voltage < 0.85 Volt
    • OBD Fault
    • Wide Open MCV (< 4100 RPM and 1.0 second at WOT, 100 ms at idle or 2 seconds at crank)
    • 8 second cranktime
    • The vehicle will switch over to gasoline if an OBD fault is detected, if crank time exceeds eight seconds, or if a wide open MCV is detected for the amount of time noted.
    • The FPS will cause a switch-over if voltage (indicating fuel level) drops below 0.85 volt (2 412 kPa at 21°C [350 psi at 70°F]).
    •  The vehicle will not restart on CNG until voltage exceeds 1.5 volts (6 890 kPa at 21°C [1000 psi at 70°F]).

Open Loop

    • Start-up
    • OBD failure of both O2 sensors
    • Speed Limiting
    • RPM Limiting
    • Deceleration
    • Block Learn and EGO multiplier will both be disabled, and EGO multiplier will be returned to 1.000.
    • Fueling will be based on the block learn table as it exists prior to going open loop.

Closed Loop

    • ECT = Time
    • O2 Switch = Time
    • For the vehicle to enter closed loop operation, the ECU looks at the ECT at start-up and will hold off closed loop operation for 18-92 seconds, depending on temperature.
    •  In addition to ECT time, the ECU will look for an O2 sensor switch and add an additional 7-35 seconds, depending on O2 activity.


    • RPM min. > 25
    • Key on
    • The ECU will open the HPL for 1 second after a complete shutdown and a key-on sequence.
    •  After a 25 RPM signal is received, the LPL and the HPL will be opened as long as an RPM signal is present.

Gasoline Starts or Cold Start Strategy

-12°C (10°F) or every 100 starts

Will switch to CNG operation when the criteria below is met.

    • Fuel Level > 350 psi
    • ECT > 350 psi
    • RPM > 1300
    • TPS < 6% for 800 ms
    • VSS > 35 mph
    • Gasoline start strategy used for gasoline injector durability.
    • On gasoline start codes 41, 58, 66 and 67 run while in gasoline operation. All others are delayed until five seconds after switch-over occurs.
    • Abort Criteria:
        TPS > 6% during 500 ms switch-over period.

Code Types


    • Type A: Emissions related. One cycle to set the MIL and DTC.
    • Type B: Emissions related. Two consecutive driving cycles to set the MIL and DTC.
    • Type C: NOT USED. Non-emission related. No MIL , but the SES light will turn on.
    • Type D: Non-emission related. No MIL or SES light set.