Under normal conditions the instrument panel fuel gage displays the level of fuel that the vehicle is operating on. A fuel gage selector switch allows the two different fuel system tank levels to be displayed by the one instrument panel fuel gage. The fuel gage selector switch is a momentary-closed type switch located near the headlamp switch assembly. The fuel gage switch allows the vehicle operator to observe the fuel level of the non-operating fuel system. The PCM monitors the status of the switch. When the switch is depressed the PCM changes the fuel level signal to display the non-operating system fuel level. Once requested, the non-operating fuel system level will be displayed for about 10 seconds.
The PCM communicates the fuel level information to the instrument panel cluster through Class 2 serial data.
The fuel indicator lamp (FIL) is contained within the fuel gage select switch assembly. The fuel indicator lamp indicates which fuel system the vehicle is operating on. The PCM controls the operation of the fuel indicator lamp. The fuel indicator lamp illuminates only when the engine is operating on gasoline. The fuel indicator lamp will also illuminate for several seconds during start-up as a bulb check.