This bulletin supersedes the previous bulletin 82-T-31 on this subject. Discard the previous bulletin.
Some 1982 Celebrity and Citation series vehicles equipped with the L4 engine may exhibit a cradle resonance at approximately 55 mph. If a vehicle is found to exhibit this condition, follow this procedure:
1. Raise car on hoist.
2. Remove cradle damper (see Figure 1).
3. Drill one (1) 10.5mm hole in right-hand frame rail using the dimensions shown in Figure 2.
4. Install the new damper assembly (P/N 10024452) using the bolt (P/N 11502788). Tighten the bolt to 60 N.m.
5. Lower car.
Labor Operation Number: E1650
Labor Time .3 hours
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.