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Light and Medium Duty Truck Warranty and Crossline Warranty Eligibility and Guidelines for Chevrolet and GMC Dealers

Subject:Light and Medium Duty Truck Warranty and Crossline Warranty Eligibility and Guidelines for Chevrolet and GMC Dealers

Models:2007 and Prior Chevrolet, GMC and Isuzu Light and Medium Duty Trucks

This bulletin is being revised to add model years. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 02-00-89-007 (Section 00 -- General Information).

Important: This service bulletin is not applicable to 'GM of Canada' dealers. 'GM of Canada' dealers should refer to the most current Home Office Letter regarding crossline warranty policies.

The purpose of this bulletin is to clarify vehicle warranty eligibility and guidelines for all light and medium duty trucks, including the new GMC TopKick and Chevrolet Kodiak trucks (C4500-8500).

If the dealer is eligible to provide crossline warranty, one of the following guidelines must apply:

    â€˘ The customer requires EMERGENCY warranty service.
    â€˘ The vehicle was sold used by the servicing dealer, regardless of the dealer's new vehicle franchise.
    â€˘ Any commercial light duty truck may obtain warranty service at either a Chevrolet or GMC light duty commercial dealer.
    â€˘ Any medium duty truck may obtain warranty service at either a Chevrolet or GMC medium duty dealer.

Crossline warranty can be provided between Chevrolet and GMC dealers who have the appropriate light and/or medium duty franchise.

Light duty only dealers cannot perform crossline warranty on medium duty vehicles except for the C3500 HD and new C4500 series. Warranty repairs cannot be performed on any other medium duty products.

Likewise, medium duty only dealers cannot perform light duty crossline warranty except for the C3500 HD and C4500 series.

Warranty repairs can only be performed on W or T series trucks at medium duty dealers with that series franchise. Crossline warranty on W or T series trucks is only allowed between Chevrolet and GMC medium duty dealers with that series franchise.

Important: The primary crossline rule for both Chevrolet and GMC light and medium duty dealers is that they can only provide warranty repairs on the platforms they sell.

The following summarizes the crossline warranty eligibility on GMC and Chevrolet truck dealers by product.



Chevrolet Light Duty Dealer

All Chevrolet/GMC personal and commercial light duty trucks, Chevrolet/GMC C3500 HD and Chevrolet/GMC C4500 Kodiak and TopKick vehicles.

Chevrolet Light and Medium Duty Dealer

All Chevrolet/GMC personal and commercial light duty trucks, Chevrolet/GMC C3500 HD and Chevrolet/GMC C4500-C8500 Kodiak/TopKick vehicles, Chevrolet/GMC T-Series; and Chevrolet/GMC W-Series only with a W-Series Addendum

GMC Light Duty Dealer

All Chevrolet/GMC personal and commercial light duty trucks, Chevrolet/GMC C3500 HD and Chevrolet/GMC C4500 Kodiak and TopKick vehicles.

GMC Light and Medium Duty Dealer

All Chevrolet/GMC personal and commercial light duty trucks, Chevrolet/GMC C3500 HD and Chevrolet/GMC C4500-C8500 Kodiak/TopKick vehicles, Chevrolet/GMC T-Series; and Chevrolet/GMC W-Series only with a W-Series Addendum

GMC Medium Duty ONLY Dealer

GMC/Chevrolet C3500 HD, Chevrolet C4500-8500 TopKick vehicles, GMC/Chevrolet T-Series; and Chevrolet/GMC W-Series only with a W-Series Addendum

The following summarizes the franchised truck sales capabilities of Chevrolet and GMC dealers:



Chevrolet Light Duty Dealer

All Chevrolet light duty vehicles, Chevrolet C3500 HD and Kodiak C4500 trucks

Chevrolet Light and Medium Duty Dealer

All Chevrolet light duty vehicles, Chevrolet C3500 HD and Kodiak C4500-8500 medium duty trucks, Chevrolet T-Series with a T-Series agreement, Chevrolet W-Series with a W-Series Addendum

GMC Light Duty Dealer

All GMC light duty vehicles, GMC C3500 HD and TopKick C4500 trucks

GMC Light and Medium Duty Dealer

All GMC light duty vehicles, GMC C3500 HD and TopKick C4500-8500 medium duty trucks, GMC T-Series with a T-Series agreement, GMC W-Series with a W-Series Addendum

GMC Medium Duty ONLY Dealer

GMC C3500 HD and GMC C4500-8500 TopKick, GMC T-Series with a T-Series agreement, GMC W-Series only with a W-Series Addendum

Unique Warranty Coverage for Select Components on Light and Medium Duty Vehicles



CAT® (Caterpillar®) Engines

Covered directly by Caterpillar®. Note that all GMC and Chevrolet medium duty dealers are required to maintain a current status as a Full Service CAT® TEPS dealers (overhaul capable "sub-dealers"). CAT® extended service protection is available through CAT® distributors/dealers.

Allison® Automatic Transmissions

The 1000 Series transmission can be serviced by both Chevrolet and GMC light duty dealers when installed in a HD 2500 or 3500. Crossline repairs are also allowed on these vehicles.

The 1000-2400 series transmissions installed in C4500-8500 trucks can only be serviced by franchised Allison® transmission dealers. Without the Allison® franchise, neither light or medium duty dealers can perform warranty repairs on these transmissions in the C4500-8500 series.

Aisin Automatic Transmissions (W-Series Only)

W-Series GMC or Chevrolet medium duty dealers may perform warranty service on W-Series trucks equipped with the Aisin Automatic Transmission. Crossline warranty repairs are not allowed by non-W-Series dealers.

Duramax™ Diesel Engines

Light duty Chevrolet and GMC dealers can perform warranty repairs on the 6.6L diesel installed in any light duty vehicle and the C4500 model series.

Medium duty Chevrolet and GMC dealers can perform warranty repairs on C4500-C8500 model series vehicles equipped with 6.6L V8 and 7.8L inline six Duramax™ diesel engines.

Medium duty dealers with a W and/or T-Series franchise can perform warranty repairs on W-Series models equipped with either the 4.75L, 4-cylinder and the 7.8L inline six (WT5500 only) Duramax™ engines.

GM Gasoline Fueled Engines

Light duty dealers can provide warranty repairs on all gas engines installed in light duty vehicles and the C4500 model series.

Medium duty Chevrolet and GMC dealers can provide warranty repairs on all gas engines installed in C4500-C8500 series vehicles.

Medium duty dealers with a W and/or T-Series franchise can perform warranty repairs on all W-Series model gas engines.

Base and Extended Warranties on C4500-C8500

The entire C4500-C8500 product line is offered with a standard base warranty of 2-years/unlimited mileage - whichever occurs first - with the exception of unique coverage for diesel engines and automatic transmissions.

An extra cost 3-year/36,000 mile alternative warranty may be substituted for the base warranty on the C4500 and C5500 models only. GMC or Chevrolet dealers are authorized to sell this alternative time and mileage coverage to consumers for up to 1 year after the delivery date of the vehicle to the ultimate retail or fleet customer.

GMPP and other available matrix warranties for medium duty commercial product offerings are available for sale to the ultimate retail or fleet customer by GMC or Chevrolet dealers.