Remove the air inlet tube
and resonator retaining wingnut.
Remove the air inlet tube
and resonator from the throttle body by pivoting the air inlet tube and resonator
upward until the hinge clip releases from the lip on the throttle body.
Remove the accelerator
cable from the cable routing bracket.
Remove the throttle cable
from the throttle lever.
Remove the accelerator
cable from the engine cable bracket.
Remove the accelerator
cable from the accelerator pedal (2).
Remove the accelerator
cable from the dash panel (1).
Install the accelerator
cable to the dash panel (1).
Install the accelerator
cable to the accelerator pedal (2).
Install the accelerator
cable to the engine cable bracket.
Install the throttle cable
to the throttle lever.
Install the accelerator
cable to the cable routing bracket.
Align the hinge clip with
the lip on the throttle body.
Install the air inlet tube and resonator to the throttle body by pivoting
the air inlet tube and resonator downward until the mounting stud is through
the hole in the air inlet tube.