General Motors has determined that some 1985 Chevrolet P-30 Model Light Duty Trucks equipped with 5,000 lb. I-beam front axle (RPO FS3), may experience the front upper shock absorber mounting bolt pulling through the frame on one or both sides. To prevent the possibility of this condition occurring, involved vehicles must have the front shock absorbers replaced and the frame rails inspected for cracks that necessitates frame rail repairs.
Involved are certain 1985 Chevrolet P-30 Model Light Duty Trucks equipped with 5,000 lb. I-beam Front Axle (RPO FS3). The vehicles involved were built within the following vehicle breakpoints:
PLANT FROM THROUGH ----- ---- ------- Detroit F3300001 F3347179
Involved vehicles have been identified by Vehicle Identification Number Computer Listings. Computer listings contain the complete Vehicle Identification Number, owner name and address data, and are furnished to the involved dealers with the campaign bulletin. Owner name and address data furnished will enable dealers to follow-up with owners involved in this campaign.
These listings may contain owner names and addresses obtained from State Motor Vehicle Registration Records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of law in several states. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this listing to the follow-up necessary to complete this campaign. Any dealer not receiving a computer listing with the campaign bulletin was not shipped any involved vehicles.
Owners will be notified of this campaign on their vehicles by Chevrolet Motor Division (see copy of Owner Letter included with this bulletin).
Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your new or used vehicle inventory, or it is in your dealership for service in the future, you should take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before reselling or releasing the vehicle. Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the dealer, and arrangements made to make the required modification according to instructions contained in this bulletin.
The part kit required to complete this modification is to be obtained from General Motors Warehousing and Distribution Division (GMWDD). To ensure that this kit will be obtained as soon as possible it should be ordered from GMWDD on a C.I.O. order with no special instruction code, but on an advise code (2).
PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ----------- ----------- -------- 15550797 Kit 1 One Kit Required Per Vehicle Involved
15550798 Instructions 1 131016 Washer - Shock Mtg Upper 2 9422306 Nut - Shock Mtg Upper 2 15550799 Bracket Asm - LH 1 15550800 Bracket Asm - RH 1 22007752 Shock Absorber Asm 2 2074619 U-Bolt 4 9433353 Nut - U-Bolt 8 2436166 Washer - U-Bolt 8 9422301 Nut - Shock Mtg Lower 2 337559 Washer - Shock Mtg Lower 2
A copper backing plate (11/2" x 6" x 3/8") will be furnished to all involved dealers with their listings. Additional backing plates will be available through the Chevrolet zone offices should they be required.
Not all units involved in this campaign will require frame rail repair. However, for those that do, repairs will be greatly eased with the use of the following tools:
Die grinders and discs, Figure 1 - A, B & C Die grinder arbor, Figure 1 - F 1/8" x 3" cutoff disc, Figure 1 - D 16mm Reamer, Figure I - E Body grinder and discs 4-6" C-clamps, 2 Required Mig welder - 75% Argon, 25% C02 or 100% C02 Shielding Gas E7OS3 wire 0.035" or 0.045" diameter
Necessary to use to check for cracks:
Dye penetrant - Magnaflux, Pynaflux, Welco (Dye penetrant manufacturer) - To be obtained from local welding suppliers.
Necessary to use for welding of frame:
Copper backing plate (11/2" x 6" x 3/8")
1. Jack and support front end of the vehicle.
2. Remove front wheel.
3. Remove the inner fender skirt if equipped.
4. Remove the existing front shock absorber. Discard shock and attaching hardware.
5. Inspect the inboard and outboard sides of the frame rail for fuel and brake lines, and electrical wiring. Reposition away from work area as necessary.
Frame Rail Inspection
6. Remove paint off the frame rail at the shock absorber mounting hole using a grinder. The cleaned area should be approximately four inches in diameter.
7. Inspect the frame rail and the shock absorber mounting hole for hole elongation and cracks. The hole diameter should not exceed 16mm.
8. Inspect the frame rail for cracks using a dye penetrant. Carefully follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer for safe and correct use of the product.
Frame Rail Repair
9. If the hole diameter is less than or equal to 16mm and no cracks are detected using the dye penetrant, ream out the hole using a 16mm reamer. Do not substitute a 5/8" reamer. Proceed to Step 27.
If the hole is elongated or cracks are detected proceed to the following steps:
10. Clamp two pieces of flat or square stock to the top of the frame rail just above the shock mounting hole. The edges of the stock must hang over the outside surface of the rail. This will be used as a guide when making a template.
11. Make a template out of clear plastic. Place an edge of the plastic against the stock which is clamped to the top of the rail and mark the shock mounting hole and two other reference holes using a grease pencil. Also mark the plastic to distinguish top from bottom.
12. Disconnect the battery ground cable(s).
If the hole is elongated but no cracks appear, proceed to Step 16.
Crack Repair
13. Identify the end of each crack and center punch 1/16" past its end.
14. Drill a 15/64" (6mm) hole through the frame rail at center punch locations.
15. Use a die grinder and cutoff disc to cut a 60 degree 'V' notch through frame between tbe drilled holes and the shock mounting hole. The root opening should be 1/16" minimum. See Figure 3.
16. Back up area to be welded with 3/8" or 1/2" thick copper plate.The plate should be shimmed 0.030 inches from the inside of the rail and held in place with the two C-clamps. Shimming ensures that the weld metal goes past the back edge of the frame and full weld fusion is obtained on the back side.
17. Fill hole and/or cracks completely with E7OS3 wire using a mig welder. At least two weld passes should be made. Start at the outer end of the cracks(s) and weld towards the center hole. This will prevent cracks from widening due to heat generated during welding. When cracks are filled, weld the center hole.
18. Inspect for voids and low spots and reweld as necessary.
19. Remove the copper plate.
20. Grind both sides of the frame smooth using appropriate grinders and reinspect for voids. Reweld as necessary. Make sure that the inner rail crack edges are burnt in for 100% weld penetration.
21. Grind an area approximately 1-1/2" in diameter as flat as possible where the new mounting hole is to be drilled. The repair area should be smooth after grinding to match the rest of the rail. This also includes the inside of the rail.
22. Set up the template as outlined in Steps 10 & 11 and center punch the shock mounting hole.
23. Drill a 15/64" (6mm) hole.
24. Redrill using a 7/16" (11mm) drill bit.
25. Ream out the hole using a 16mm reamer. Do not substitute a 5/8" reamer. Inspect the inner edge of the hole for voids. Reweld, grind and drill if necessary.
26. Paint the frame rail as required to prevent corrosion using a flat black paint.
Shock Absorber Installation
27. Remove the two front spring to axle u-bolts. Discard bolts, nuts and washer, Figure 2.
28. Remove and discard the lower shock absorber bracket, Figure 2.
29. Install new lower shock bracket and secure using new fasteners. Torque nuts on u-bolts to 110 Nm (80 ft-lbs), Figure 2.
30. Install new shock absorber on lower bracket and in upper mounting hole in the frame rail. The shock absorber pin is tapered at its base. The shock will not fit flush with the frame rail. Torque upper retaining nut to 110 Nm (80 ft.lbs.) and the lower retaining nut to 50 Nm (40 ft.lbs.).
31. Replace inner fender if equipped.
32. Replace front wheel.
33. Lower vehicle.
34. Repeat entire procedure on opposite side of vehicle.
35. Reconnect negative battery cable(s).
36. Install Campaign Label per instructions in "Campaign Identification Label" section of this bulletin.
Submit a Product Campaign Claim with the information indicated below:
** * ** Failed Parts Labor Labor Other Net Repair Performed Pc Part No. Allow FC Op Hrs Hrs Amount ---------------- -- -------- ----- -- -- --- --- ------
Inspect & test for frame 1 1550797 00 V3100 3.1 .1 6.75 cracks replace shock absorbers & lower mounting brackets
Inspect & test for frame 1 1550797 00 V3111 4.0 .1 6.75 cracks weld & redrill hole (1 side) replace shock absorbers & lower mounting brackets
Inspect & test for frame 1 1550797 00 V3112 4.8 .1 6.75 cracks wels & redrill holes (2 sides) replace shock absorbers & lower mounting brackets
Inspect & test for frame 1 1550797 00 V3113 4.2 .1 6.75 cracks repair cracks & redrill hole (1 side) replace shock absorbers & lower mounting brackets
Inspect & test for frame 1 1550797 00 V3115 5.1 .1 6.75 cracks repair cracks & redrill hole (1 side) weld & redrill hole (opposite side) replace shock absorbers & lower mounting brackets
Inspect & test for frame 1 1550797 00 V3114 5.3 .1 6.75 cracks repair cracks & redrill hole (2 sides) replace shock absorbers & lower mounting brackets
*Campaign Administrative Allowance.
**The Parts Allowance should be the sum total of the current GMWDD Dealer Net price plus 30% of all parts required for the repair.
***The $6.75 in the Net Amount Column represents the material allowance for "DYE PENETRATION" and any additional material that may be required to complete this campaign.
Dealers will automatically receive the correct labor and material allowance based on the labor operation performed.
Refer to the Chevrolet Claims Processing Manual for details on Product Campaign Claim submission.
Each vehicle modified in accordance with the instructions outlined in this Product Campaign Bulletin will require a "Campaign Identification Label." Each label provides a space to include the five digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or ballpoint pen.
Each "Campaign Identification Label" is to be located on the radiator core support in an area which will be visible when the vehicle is brought in for periodic servicing by the owner. Apply "Campaign Identification Label." only on a clean dry surface.
Dear Chevrolet Owner:
General Motors has determined that your 1985 Chevrolet P-30 model light duty truck, equipped with an I-beam front axle, may experience the upper shock absorber mounting bolt pulling through the frame rail on one or both sides.
To prevent the possibility of this condition occurring on your vehicle, please contact your Chevrolet dealer on or after May 30, 1986 in order to arrange an appointment to have the frame rails inspected and, if necessary, repaired. New shock absorbers will be installed. The inspection and necessary corrections will be completed at no charge.
Instructions for making this correction have been sent to your Chevrolet dealer. The time needed to correct your vehicle will be from 3 hours to 51/2 hours, depending on the work necessary to complete the job.
The enclosed owner reply card identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this card to your dealer will assist in making the necessary correction in the shortest possible time. If you have sold or traded your vehicle, please let us know by completing the postage paid, owner reply card and returning it to us.
We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your continued satisfaction with our products.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.