Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Does the temperature gauge indicate that the engine is cold (at or below 100°F) and then hot (approximately 260°F)? | -- | Go to Step 2 | Go to Step 3 |
2 | Replace the coolant temperature gauge sender. Is the repair complete? | -- | System OK | -- |
3 | Replace the instrument cluster. Is the repair complete? | -- | System OK | -- |
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Does the temperature gauge indicate that the engine is cold (at or below 160°F) and then hot (approximately 260°F)? | -- | Go to Step 2 | Go to Step 3 |
2 | Replace the coolant temperature gauge sender. Is the repair complete? | -- | System OK | -- |
3 | Replace the instrument cluster. Is the repair complete? | -- | System OK | -- |