GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

Quadrasteerâ„¢ is a 4-wheel steering system that dramatically enhances low speed maneuverability, high speed stability, and towing capability. The system is an electrically powered rear wheel steering system comprised of the following components:

    â€¢ A steerable, solid hypoid rear axle.
    â€¢ A steering wheel position sensor located at the base of the steering column.
    â€¢ A rear wheel position sensor located below the rear wheel steering motor on the rear steering gear.
    â€¢ An electric motor driven actuator.
    â€¢ A flash programmable rear wheel steering control module.
    â€¢ A combined yaw rate sensor/ lateral accelerometer sensor.
    â€¢ Three hall effect switches in the motor assembly.
    â€¢ A mode select switch on the dash.
    â€¢ A heavy duty wiring harness and fuse .
    â€¢ A Service 4 Wheel Steer indicator in the IPC.
    â€¢ A shorting relay in the rear wheel steering gear motor .
    â€¢ A power relay in the rear wheel steering control module.

The rear wheel steering control module has the following inputs:

    â€¢ Battery voltage .
    â€¢ Switched battery voltage.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering mode switch signal
    â€¢ Steering wheel position sensor analog, via class 2 message from the TBC.
    â€¢ Steering wheel position sensor phase A .
    â€¢ Steering wheel position sensor phase B .
    â€¢ Steering wheel position sensor marker pulse.
    â€¢ Rear wheel position sensor position 1 .
    â€¢ Rear wheel position sensor position 2 .
    â€¢ Vehicle speed signal
    â€¢ Class 2 data .
    â€¢ Yaw rate signal.
    â€¢ Lateral accelerometer signal.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor actuator hall A .
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor actuator hall B .
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor actuator hall C .

The rear wheel steering control module has the following outputs:

    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor actuator phase A  control.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor actuator phase B  control.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor actuator phase C  control.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor shorting relay voltage.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering module class 2 serial data.
    â€¢ 4- Wheel steer mode indicator supply voltage.
    â€¢ 4- Wheel steer tow mode indicator supply voltage.
    â€¢ 2- Wheel steer mode indicator supply voltage.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering mode select switch supply voltage.
    â€¢ Steering wheel position sensor 5  volt reference.
    â€¢ Rear wheel position sensor 5  volt reference.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor hall sensor 12  volt reference.
    â€¢ Rear wheel steering motor shorting relay voltage.

Separate connectors to the rear wheel steering control module are provided for the following 4 capacities:

    â€¢  Vehicle battery power .
    â€¢ The vehicle class 2 , steering wheel position , mode select switch , lateral accelerometer , yaw sensor, speed sensor signals .
    â€¢ The motor phase power leads .
    â€¢ The motor hall sensors, shorting relay, and rear wheel position sensor signals .

Important: Beginning with the 2003 model year, the rear wheel steering control module supports flash programming.

Rear Wheel Steering Control Module: The rear wheel steering control module controls all functions of the rear wheel steering system . The module has a dedicated power feed line from the under hood fuse holder. The fuse is a 125 amp mega fuse . The wiring is routed to the rear of the vehicle. The rear wheel steering control module is located above the rear mounted spare tire. The rear wheel steering control module uses the inputs listed above to determine when and how far to turn the rear wheels. The rear wheel steering control module also uses the hall switches in the steering gear motor , shorting relay , and motor control relay to monitor and control the direction and speed the motor operates. The rear wheel control module also controls the duty cycle of the phase leads to the motor . The motor control relay is part of the rear wheel steering control module and is not serviceable . The rear wheel steering control module uses both a class 2 and a discrete vehicle speed sensor signal . The system will not function without a discrete vehicle speed sensor signal . The rear wheel steering control module uses the 2 vehicle speed sensor signals for comparison purposes . The TBC sends a class 2 message for the analog portion of the signals from the steering wheel position sensor. The rear wheel steering control module uses inputs from the steering wheel position sensor to determine steering wheel position and rate of change. The rear wheel position sensor signals provide the rear wheel steering control module with rear wheel position data. The rear wheel steering control module will send out a class 2 message to the IPC to turn on and off the amber Service 4-Wheel Steering System Indicator. The rear wheel steering control module controls the indicators in the mode switch on the dash .

The control module allows the vehicle's rear wheels to turn a maximum of 12 degrees left or right. When the vehicle is operated in reverse, the maximum rear wheel steering angle is 5 degrees left or right. When the vehicle is sitting still in the test mode the system will move a maximum of 5 degrees left or right.

Important: The rear wheel steering control module may shut down if the system is operated under very extreme conditions and becomes overheated. The Service 4-Wheel Steer indicator will not be illuminated. Once the temperature decreases back to operating range, the rear wheel steering system will resume normal operation upon the next ignition cycle.

Rear Wheel Steering Mode Switch: The mode switch located on the instrument panel allows the driver the option of selecting 2-wheel steering, 4-wheel steering, or 4-wheel steering tow operation. The mode switch also has indicators that show which mode the rear wheel steering system is in . When all indicators are lit the rear wheel steering control module has lost it's memory settings and the scan tool must be used to re-calibrate the rear wheel steering control module . When the indicators are flashing the rear wheel steering control module is waiting for the steering wheel to pass the center position before changing to the selected mode . The indicators on the mode switch are led's , the switch is also back lit .

The system operates in 3 principal modes, as follows:

2-Wheel Steer Mode: Normal steering operation; rear wheel steering is disabled while in this mode.

4-Wheel Steer Mode: The 4-wheel steering mode provides the 3 principal phases of steering: negative phase, neutral phase, and positive phase. In the negative phase the rear wheels turn opposite of the front wheels . In the neutral phase the rear wheels are centered and do not turn in or out . In the positive phase the rear wheels turn the same direction as the front wheels .

4-Wheel Steer Tow Mode: The 4-wheel steer tow mode provides more positive phase steering than the normal 4-wheel steering at high speed. At low speed driving, the 4-wheel steer tow mode provides similar negative phase steering as it does in the normal 4-wheel steering mode.

NOTE : There is also a cross-over speed. This is the speed that the control module transitions from a negative phase to a positive phase status. In 4-Wheel Steer mode, this transition occurs when the vehicle obtains a speed of 65 km/h (40 mph).

The cross over speed in the 4-Wheel Steer tow mode occurs at 40 km/h (25 mph).

Rear Wheel Steering Gear Motor: The rear steering gear motor is a 3 phase, 6 pole brushless, DC motor. The rear wheel steering gear motor is located on the top of the rear steering gear . The motor transmits it's power through a planetary gear set inside the rear steering gear . There are 3 hall switches inside the motor , hall A , hall B , and hall C . They are not serviceable . There is a motor phase shorting relay located inside the motor assembly , it is not serviceable . The motor leads are not to be spliced or damaged in any way . If there is damage to the wiring the motor must be replaced . If there is any damage to the wiring it is possible for water to get inside the rear steering gear. The rear wheel steering control module uses the hall switch inputs to monitor motor position, speed, and direction .

Steering Wheel Position Sensor : The steering wheel position sensor inputs to the rear wheel steering control module consists of 3 digital input circuits. The analog signal is sent from the TBC to the rear wheel steering control module via class 2. The steering wheel position sensor supply voltage is between 4.9-5.1 volts. Phase A and phase B circuits are digital pulse signals whose output represents one degree of steering wheel rotation. When observing the phase A and phase B data parameters on the scan tool, the parameters will not have the same value at the same time. When the steering wheel is rotated, the phase A and phase B data parameters will be shown as high or low on the scan tool. The marker pulse is a digital pulse that is displayed as high on the scan tool for 20 Â° only when the steering wheel angle is between -10 and +10 Â°. The steering wheel position sensor analog signal voltage is at or near 2.5 volts with the wheels at center. Voltage increases/decreases for less than 1 full turn (+/- 225°) then plateaus for remainder of wheel travel.

Rear Wheel Steering Position Sensor :  The rear wheel position sensor has 2 signal circuits: position 1 and position 2. Position 1 is a linear measurement of voltage per degree. The voltage range for position 1 is from 0.25 to 4.75 volts, and the angular measurement range is from - 620° to + 620°. At 0.25 volts the steering wheel has been rotated - 600° past center. At 4.75 volts the steering wheel has been rotated + 600° past center. Position 2 circuit is a linear measurement of voltage per degree. The voltage for position 2 increases or decreases from 0.25 to 4.75 volts every 180°. When the steering wheel is 0° or at center, position 1 and position 2 output signals measure 2.5 volts respectively.

Combined Yaw Rate Sensor / Lateral Accelerometer Sensor : The combined yaw rate sensor / lateral accelerometer sensor is located under the passenger front seat . Yaw rate is a rotational force on a horizontal plane. Lateral acceleration is a measure of forward motion on a horizontal plane . The inputs to the rear wheel steering controller are bias compensated. This compensates for variations in manufacturing, temperature, and mounting. With the vehicle at rest the sensor should have a voltage output on both circuits of approximately 2.5 volts . If there is a fault with either of these outputs, the rear wheel steering controller will set ether or both DTCs, C0186 and/or C0196. The system will remain functional if either of these DTCs set. It does not turn on the service 4 wheel steer indicator in IPC.

Steerable Rear Axle : The steerable rear axle has a rack and pinon mounted to the differential cover, and half shafts with upper and lower ball joints on movable hub and bearings assemblies . The rack is part of the differential cover. If a system malfunction occurs the rear wheels are moved back to center via an internal spring. The rack has redundant inner and outer tie rods ends . There are inner tie rod boots on the rack to prevent water and dirt from getting inside. Long term exposure to moisture due to a damaged boot or components can result in an internal malfunction. The rear wheel steering gear has the rear wheel steering gear motor attached to the upper rack . There are shields and a skid plate type shield on the rear axle assembly to protect the steering gear. There are no internal adjustments to the rack . It is mandatory to preform a 4 wheel alignment if any hard parts , such as tie rods or ball joints or wheel bearings are serviced . The axle assembly is a heavier duty version of the standard rear axle on a non rear wheel steer truck . You must consult the owners manual and the trailer towing guide for specific towing capacities . The carrier contains 9.74 inch ring and pinon gear set. The quarter shafts are a special heavy duty design with up to 15 Â° of movement and a special designed CV joint and boot at the wheel end of the axle .